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tracey w

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I have always suffered sinusitis and catarrgh in the winter and used sudafed tablets.

have been taking them recently with no problems, but just went to buy some and read on the back to be avoided if diabetic? Does anyone know why this is. I will check with my doctor tomorrow. really is a minefield sometimes, worrying about everything you put in your mouth.

I get the smae problem. Last time I read the back of sudafed extra it didn't have the same warning though so wise to check with either the pharmacist or your GP. I've reverted to the old-fashioned steam inhaler and paracetamol

What I didn't realise until I started Asasantin Retard and my GP told me was that you should not take ibobrufen with if on this or daily aspirin.
sinus infections

I have sufferered from recurrent sinus infections since teenage years, long before getting diabetes. After needing 2 courses of antibiotics in 2 years, my GP suggested using Otrivine nosedrops (active ingredient Xylometazoline hydrochloride), which have worked very well to prevent infections getting worse. As it's locally applied and acts by restricting blood supply in the sinus, very little gets to other parts of the body. About ?3 per bottle from chemists, as I don't bother to see GP and get them on prescription.
I sufferrd from this a long time ago and used sudafed with no side affects - I think think checking with your doc wise and id=f anything they may have an adverse affect on you bs's so keep an eye on these. Good luck Daisy xx
I think generally these medications may have the warnings because they can increase blood sugars. But if you are ill then your blood suagrs will be up anyway. and you shoudl be keeping a closer eye on them and correcting anyway so i don't see the problem. I personally do use these products. Check witht he pharmacist or GP to be on the safe side though
thanks for replies. Very helpful.

Spoke to gp who said I must not take sudafed, use steam inhalations. But I know that this will not sort the problem just ease symptoms.

spoke to my pharmacist, very helpful, said cannot take sudafed as will affect bs control. Reccomended decongestant syrup, sugar free or inhalations as mentioned.

Hope it works have taken sudafed for many years, as used to fly as cabin crew and always had sinus problems since then.

thanks again:)
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