Such a nice time to basal test.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So what did I have in store for myself from three this morning? Yes, a basal test. The original plan was to set my alarm at hourly intervals and sleep inbetween. Seems my body has other ideas about that. Despite wanting to get back to sleep I've somehow been kept awake and here I am, posting at quarter to four in the morning. The score will come in as it happens.

03:00 - 6.5
03:30 - 6.2
04:00 - 5.2
04:30 - 5.2
05:00 - 4.9 Note, this is where it starts to get interesting. How long can I last until I hypo?
05:30 - 4.7
06:00 - 4.7
06:30 - 5.1 Doth the dawn phenomenon rear it's ugly head? I think so!
07:00 - 5.7
07:30 - 6.3
08:00 - 5.8
08:30 - 5.9
09:00 - 5.6
09:30 - 6.4
10:00 - 6.1
10:30 - 6.4 Set and reservoir change time now!
11:20 - Knock over reservoir, swear profusely, test and get an 8.3. Insert new cannula.
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Those are some damn good results, Tom!

*is jealous*

Hope you can catch up on sleep tonight 🙂
Sod's law is I've been having some wierd results in the morning and some seeming ineplicable rises. Maybe I just shouldn't eat Weetabix. Another few minutes until my next test.
Sod's law is I've been having some wierd results in the morning and some seeming ineplicable rises. Maybe I just shouldn't eat Weetabix. Another few minutes until my next test.

I've always found Weetabix a nightmare 😱

This happens to me frequently when I basal test - BG seems fine, but when I don't test I wake high. I think the waking in the night makes my body respond differently to the insulin. Deep joy!

Ah well. Maybe just sleep through tonight & see how you are tomorrow - if still having problems, another test?

Another note - if I go to bed slightly high, I'll wake up even higher, even if I know my basal is correct for the whole night.

Fun & games!
Damn, it is a right bugger. I always get a nice spike from it. I have a whole box of chocolate Weetabix to eat. Love the stuff.
Those are some pretty good numbers Tom - imagine what they might have been like on MDI a year or so ago! 🙂
Those are amazing numbers Tom. You are barely rising (okay, there is a small one - but it's not like you're rising to above 10 or anything!), so it looks like only small tweaking is needed.

I also did some testing last night. I had planned to eat around 8pm but fell asleep before that, so really I could have started it earlier...but I was still asleep 😱

00:00 8.4 (normally would correct this but wanted to ride the basal test out)
01:00 8.3
02:00 7.8
03:00 7.7

decided I wanted some peace at that point

07:30 5.9
08:30 5.2
10:30 4.2 (oops missed 09:30)

I'll do another one on Monday night/Tuesday morning (I worked an early yesterday, so am trying to get each of my profiles right - next time I do an early is Monday morning), but I think already it answers a few things I'd been querying! Quite often at work I will drop down around 9/9:30.

Shift work is hard in terms of basals - it looks like I'm being affected by yesterday's work pattern - but I have 2 different shifts possible & days off - how to I balance it all?

For example, next Mon/Tues/Weds I am working early shifts - fine - I can apply the theory that I will drop around 9.30 each morning. But what happens on Thursday when I have my 'day off' pattern on? It'll be affected by my early shift the next day - but what about when I work a late shift before a day off? In a way I guess I will need a whole new pattern - but I can only have 3 patterns on my pump. So lots of temp basals, I'm guessing?! Truthfully it is hard to remember to do that when I am work and I am literally running from one end of the ward to the other, making 5 million beds, washing 50 patients and trying to do all the other jobs I need to do.

I need an office job, lol.
Damn, it is a right bugger. I always get a nice spike from it. I have a whole box of chocolate Weetabix to eat. Love the stuff.

I have half a box if chocolate weetabix to eat as well. Don't ever eat the stuff in a rush like I did. Didn't see where it said that the carb value was per 2 biscuits, and doubled it. That was a fun hypo, I can tell you 🙄
Tom brilliant numbers, i would not tweak anything there, (if it were me, just my opinion) your falls and rises are only increments and you dont go above or below the 1.7mmol that would require a change.

Shiv, shifts are hard work, ive done them. Now have a more office type job and office hours so a bit easier to sort out.

You definately seem to need to pull back in the early hours dont you? You need to see where your start to dip after 3am, its good that the basal test has pinpointed this for you.
Yep, my plan is to do this all over again on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday nights (I will have the same level of activity for those days and will steer clear of pasta etc!). I'll probably break the nights up though, start with 3 - 6am on Monday night as that's where I can see there needs to be some work. Fun thing is, I'll be up at 5.30 anyway for work :s great!
I know its hard work, i hate basal testing. Funilly enough i prefer the night ones as i hate doing them in the day when i want to eat :(

I have just had my hospital appointment changed to next week from end of January and wont be a happy bunny if they send me basal tests to do. Last time i had 6 to do in a week and im not doing that again!
Nothing wrong with those numbers, most of us would be all to happy with similar results.
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