Successful Diabetes

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All,

Just thought this link might be useful to you guys:

It's the company I work for and we offer products and services for people living with or working with diabetes. Products include:

Ebooks/ Books
Top Tips
and much more

Hope you find it useful DS 🙂 and if you have any questions just shout 🙂
New ebook :0)

Hi all,

The company I work for is releasing an ebook today (written by me), see below for details, it may be useful! Also if any of you want to sign up for a newsletter go here

Ebook Details...

Want to understand how your partner, friend or loved one feels about living with diabetes and the effect it has on them?
Want to understand what patients with diabetes go through on a daily basis?
Want to know how it REALLY feels to live with diabetes 24 hours a day?
Feel like you are the only one living with diabetes 24 hours a day?

Get our BRAND NEW ebook Living with diabetes 24 hours a day.
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