Success! (and a thank you)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
First of all, I'd just like to say a HUGE thank you to all those people who posted ideas (and support!) on my previous thread about my evening basal dose. As a result of your clarity and suggestions it seems I may have cracked it!!

Last night, I ate early, went to bed with a blood sugar of 7.1, woke up at 3 just to test to check and I was 6.6. At that point I almost panic ate - I'm not used to having a good level at 3am 😱 but didn't, and woke up with a bs of 6.8 🙂 Thank you so much. It's so good to be able to draw on so many other peoples' experience when perhaps you yourself (me!) don't have the clarity of though at that moment in time.
Oh Munjeeta, I'm soooo pleased! Good for you for not eating at 3 am! And what stable levels! Yaaaaayyy!!!!:D
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Great news! Dont forget - you have also helped people and supported them too.🙂Bev
Great news. I'm pleased you cracked it.
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