Stupid, stupid, stupid.....

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Senior Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So annoying, managed to come to work today with an empty novorapid pen... only just realised when I had bought my lovely looking lunch, grrrr!

Luckily my lovely housemate is off work at the moment (teacher) so she's going to bring it my office for me :D

Feel very very silly though, really not like me!
Ooops !! we all get days like this , try not to be too hard on yourself .🙂 What a lovely friend to do that ! I hope the rest of your day goes well .
oh dear, thats not good, but at least you did it when you could get someone to bring one in... anyway you wont do that again in a hurry! hope your enjoyed lunch

Julie x
Why not keep a spare cartridge in your pen case - actually 1 each of short & long acting?
Yup, I think we've all done that! :D

I forgot my pen once, and what made it worse was that I had a spare cartridge and pen needles in my case - so I had insulin, but nothing to inject it with!

What a lovely friend you have! 🙂
Aymes - I doubt that there is anyone out there who hasn't done something similiar, beit medication, keys, glasses, etc.

You were very lucky to have a friend to bring you what you needed.

Recently I was working in Glasgow (over an hour away from whre I live) and I live alone. Yes, you've guessed it - I had filled by 'kit' with using insulin and a spare set to leave in the office, but I left the whole thing at home, stupid me. So by the time I got home my levels were........very silly.

It was a lesson learned, that I do not leave the house now without checking my hadbag to ensure I have all I need.

I've done this a couple of times!

A few years back, I went into town 15 miles away and then realised I didn't have any needles with me (needed to do humalog and lantus).

Went into Boots and told them what had happened. Luckily I'd picked up insulin from them before and they had me on record. They said the cost of the stuff (needles and insulin) would be hundreds of pounds, but what they'd do is charge me 2 prescription charges and refund it to me when I came back with the prescriptions to cover it from the doctor which I did.

I also ran out at work recently (again 15 miles from home). Forgot to check before leaving the house and at lunchtime my humalog was empty. Again went to the nearest Chemist, told them what had happened and asked them to phone if they could phone my doctors surgery and request a prescription. They very kindly did this and surgery agreed to post prescription so again I got my insulin there and then.

I've only ever done it twice in 13 years, but like everyone else has said I'm sure we've all done it once.

I always keep a spare insulin cartridge at work in the fridge - just in case!
I have forgot once to take my insulin to work but was lucky that I could just borrow some out the fridge at work, advantage of working in a hospital! Then replaced it the next day with a cartridge from home.
aww aymes what a great m8, like has been said id forget my head if it was not screwed on we have all done something like that , dont beat yourself up x
Yep - tested before going for a walk the other day. thought I was OK but felt a hypo coming on halfway back - hadn't taken any glucose tabs (preferred hypo treatment) with me - 3.5 when i got back! - stupid me - will ALWAYS take hypo treatment with me from now on!
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