stupid pump, stupid me.....?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Has anyone ever done this with their Roche pump?

I went for a walk this morning in the New Forest, near where I live. Walking for longer than an hour, even if I have reduced my previous bolus, always causes my blood sugar to plummet and I take various actions - top myself up with lucozade as necessary and turn the TBR rate to zero for an hour (or more if a longer walk)

So I set off then decided to alter the TBR - I must have pressed the wrong buttons and ended up with 'cartridge change' on the screen. This just flashes at you and won't go away, there seemed to be NOTHING I pressed that would make it go away. I know if I pressed the tick, the cartridge plunger would then go back and I would have to reset the whole pump without having anything new to do it with. Started to panic, then decided to remove the battery, then put it back in. Fortunately this did stop everything and cleared the screen. (although I subsequently had to set the time and date which had reverted to nothing - they don't usually do that when I change the battery)

When I got home and thoroughly searched my manuals I couldn't find anything. I eventually rang Roche and was told that you have to press the MENU and UP button at the same time to clear that screen. Why? What is so dangerous that the cartridge change screen has to be cleared in such a non obvious way?

Anyone else found something like this?
I did this once when intending to prime the set after a shower. Didn't have my glasses on and pressed too soon. I think I managed to start again without swapping out the set, but did waste a lot because of the bubble that appeared and had to be primed out the whole length of the tube!
Perhaps this is a gentle hint to have the Roche Helpline easily to hand in your mobile phone directory? Cos you know as well as I do, that once you've put it there - you're never ever going to need it again !! LOL
Thanks for the support!

Yes, Roche helpline, I'll do it now! Although there is - of course - no mobile coverage in the New Forest where I live, drives us all mad!
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