Stupid insomnia!

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Why can't my body clock behave? 😡 I've had a month of no sleep then can't wake up in the morning when I finally get to sleep, driving me mad! :(
It really makes you feel rubbish doesnt it , ive been awake since 2.20 😱 but made myself lie there till now as have to go to work grrrr , hope you get some benefical sleep soon
Oh goodness that is not good you must feel awful. O guess you have tried nytol,kalms etc.
Sorry to hear about this northey, the member old holborn used to have trouble sleeping but i cant remember what he took or tryed (if anything),would you ever go down the route of sleeping pills? they work fine for me x
I am struggling too with sleep Alan, not sure if its because not feeling 100% at moment, feel shattered at work and had to go home yesterday taking 1/2 day holiday. Just been to buy 2 cans sugar free red bull and a lucozade!

I also think we could do with a new mattress, but hubby thinks one we have is fine.

I will get it sorted though...yawn!
Oh Alan sorry to hear you are struggling at the moment :(. There is nothing worse than not getting a good nights sleep (I know with this shoulder of mine). Hope you have manged to get a sleep x
I am struggling too with sleep Alan, not sure if its because not feeling 100% at moment, feel shattered at work and had to go home yesterday taking 1/2 day holiday. Just been to buy 2 cans sugar free red bull and a lucozade!

I also think we could do with a new mattress, but hubby thinks one we have is fine.

I will get it sorted though...yawn!

Lucy, sorry you are struggling too. Hope you manage to get your bs sorted (((hugs))) x
Why can't my body clock behave? 😡 I've had a month of no sleep then can't wake up in the morning when I finally get to sleep, driving me mad! :(

I feel you pain. Yesterday I went to bed early, about 9.30 then woke up at midnight and felt wide awake. Got to sleep sometime after 6am 😱 That made me tired enough to get to sleep by 3am last night but couldn't wake up this morning.

I have no idea why I can't sleep.
Thanks guys. Sorry to hear I'm not alone in this :( I don't want to take stuff that helps me sleep because I'm worried it will affect me waking up if I go hypo - I used to use Nytol before diagnosis and it worked pretty well. Better to not sleep than not wake up though!
I think that you need to read something really boring when you go to bed. That should do the trick.

I'm thinking of publishing my first 2,000 posts here, if that'll help?


p.s. I usually find that when something is trolling around in my head there is little point trying to sleep. I usually put radio 4 on quietly when that happens and it eventually sends me off.
Northe do you think you are worrying over night hypos and the stress is keeping you awake? As you dont have a problem sleeping in the mornings?

Maybe try something like half a nytol, really low dose to relax you? You could put yur alarm on for 3am to test bg. Hope you get it sorted soon :(
Hope you have a better one tonight. My neuropathy is always worse at night, sometimes its 4o'clock befiore I get to sleep. The dog gets really fed up with the light going on and off. Fortunately I don't have to go to work so have become phylosophical about it, start with my book, then the computer and finally sudoku seems to do the trick. Oh and try to avoid having a nap during the day.
Novarapid and Lantus
I hope your sleep patterns are settling down now , Ive never slept well for years , first it was my spondylosis , now its the affects diabetes has on me , Doc gave me quinnine tablets to help settle my legs and neoropathy .
I find I sleep in my relaxer chair more and more as I get older, I now believe once you have health problems , sleep dont come easy .
I think that you need to read something really boring when you go to bed. That should do the trick.

I'm thinking of publishing my first 2,000 posts here, if that'll help?


p.s. I usually find that when something is trolling around in my head there is little point trying to sleep. I usually put radio 4 on quietly when that happens and it eventually sends me off.

LOl Andy - my Mum used to listen to a CD of Dylan Thomas reading his poems - worked for her 😉

Sorry to hear of the sleep problems. I can sympathise with the trouble waking up in the morning at the moment, but am actualy sleeping better.
I had another poor night last night, despite being very tired befre bed. Went to bed around 12:30 and definitely didn't get any sleep until 4, then remember seeing 5:30 on the clock - Think I possibly got around 2-3 hours in total :( Tried everything - listening to R4, music, rain outside - nothing worked. Had a bad hypo head from the hypos earlier in the evening. Have to go for a blood test, otherwise I might have stayed in bed this morning. I think I might get an electric underblanket as a cold bed when I get in is a bit of a shock to the system!
Alan, I know this might sound silly, but have you tried a nice cup of tea when you can't sleep? It works for me sometimes. Hope things improve. My problem is I am getting to sleep but apparently tossing and turning all night which wakes hubby up, and then feel shattered all the next day.

We are ordering a new mattress just in case. I might start a new thread on mattresses.
a bad hypo head from the hypos earlier in the evening. Have to go for a blood test, otherwise I might have stayed in bed this morning. I think I might get an electric underblanket as a cold bed when I get in is a bit of a shock to the system!

Warming the bed sounds like a good idea ( I guess Kate must be on tour at the moment?) - I often use a hot water bottle just to warm it - so much nicer than getting into a cold bed, and might help with sleep. Perhaps it's the effect of the hypos messing with your sleep too? Might seem daft, but what happens if you don't actually go to bed?
We are ordering a new mattress just in case. I might start a new thread on mattresses.

Best money I ever spent Kate - a new, and good, matress did wonders in helping a bad back and getting a comfortable night's sleep.
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