Stupid GP!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I had blood taken for a Haemoglobin A1c last week and called to get the result today. Upon calling I was told by the secretary that the result has the comment "diabetic control needs improving" attatched to it but no numbers visible. I've now got to book an appointment tomorrow to go and see the GP who will be next to useless as far as my care is concerned. Like as not he'll try to take me off my pump and go for metformin and exercise instead! I'm not happy with this at all.

I had blood taken for a Haemoglobin A1c last week and called to get the result today. Upon calling I was told by the secretary that the result has the comment "diabetic control needs improving" attatched to it but no numbers visible. I've now got to book an appointment tomorrow to go and see the GP who will be next to useless as far as my care is concerned. Like as not he'll try to take me off my pump and go for metformin and exercise instead! I'm not happy with this at all.


You will be fine Tom. Honestly with all that has been going on in your life and the start of the Happy Pills - you haven't the resources at your disposal that you would normally have to look at things and modify them. Its at times like these that you need your team to pay more attention. On the bright side you can explain how you are getting on with the tablets - unless it is the GP who wouldn't give you any.
Dont worry Tom, I'm pretty sure it always has that note if you aren't within range.
Fingers crossed that it's all ok, even as a seasoned diabetic who's had many HbA1c's done I've never had one with that comment on it. Given that GP's are used to dealing with all sorts of type two's and I'm type one, which the GP's rarely deal with it's just given me a dose of the creeps as it could be rather high. I will be a bit peeved to say the least if it's above eight percent.

Tom, why dont you ring them back and say that you have a right to your results and have never had to make an appointment before and you consider this to be a waste of an appointment. If the receptionist refuses then ask to speak to the GP. If the GP insists that you see him - go armed with lots of questions about your diabetes to see if he/she can tell you where your going 'wrong' - dont worry they wont know and will probably be glad to let you decide. Our GP once sent a note (when Alex was on MDI and his hba1c was 8. something) saying 'give more insulin'.......but I couldnt be bothered trying to educate the GP and just ignored the comments.🙂Bev
I've tried to call back but have been told that the receptionists aren't allowed to give out the numbers. This makes sense as in the previous job that I had I wasn't allowed to give results out to the patients as biomedical scientists/ATO's (that's what I was) aren't trained to interpret the results. It makes sense to me but frankly it's bloody irritating.

All I can say Tom is chill, you are dealing with jobsworth people, just feel sorry for them. as they are not as well informed about the condition as you are.
I've tried to call back but have been told that the receptionists aren't allowed to give out the numbers. This makes sense as in the previous job that I had I wasn't allowed to give results out to the patients as biomedical scientists/ATO's (that's what I was) aren't trained to interpret the results. It makes sense to me but frankly it's bloody irritating.


If thats the case Tom, then there are hundreds of receptionists breaking the rules as this is how most people do find out or they are told at clinic. Perhaps when you see the GP you can explain why seeing him for a result is just a waste of both his and your time.🙂Bev
I was told my hbA was high over the phone by my receptionist and it got me all worried but that was the horrible bitchy one, they is one nice and one nasty receptionist at my surgery.
I sympathise Tom! The staff at our docs won't ever give out results over the phone, in fact the other day when hubby went off to the docs & disappeared for nigh on 3 hrs when I called to see if he'd even arrived safely they wouldn't even confirm if he'd attended the surgery!! (He'd been sent off for an x-ray & forgotten his phone as it happened 🙄 ) Maddening. Hope the appointment goes well for you anyway...
Aww Tom, just what you didn't need eh? They are all idiots anyway as you well know so just go along, smile and get out of there asap!! Love and hugs.xx
I was told my hbA was high

Hi Steff,

Just a pointer, there are a variety of different kinds of Haemoglobin contained within red blood cells (posh name of erythrocytes). I can't recall how many types there are but there are many of them, I believe there are a few main types with sub divisions of those main units. Haemoglobin A (HbA) is one of the main types.
Sorry for nit picking but the scientist in me saw that!

Grrr...let's hopr it's a mistake
If he mention anything about pumps should be improving control etc...

Just say, if it hadn't been for the insulin pump the stress with coping with the last several months I assure you with MDI my control would have been 10 fold worse...

I'm assuming that you are under the hospital clinic and consultant, you can always remind him that your diabetic treatment etc is under he consultant and not your GP, GP's can't undermine a consultant if consultant says the GP can't say NO...

Good luck for tomorrow, and hopefully it won't be has bad as you think
I had blood taken for a Haemoglobin A1c last week and called to get the result today. Upon calling I was told by the secretary that the result has the comment "diabetic control needs improving" attatched to it but no numbers visible. I've now got to book an appointment tomorrow to go and see the GP who will be next to useless as far as my care is concerned. Like as not he'll try to take me off my pump and go for metformin and exercise instead! I'm not happy with this at all.


I hope all goes well withthe doctor. He sounds about as good as mine, and from what I gather most GPs don't understand diabetes, they just push the pills.
I've never understood why results can't be posted to the patient - after all it is our body and we're responsible for maintaining things (with backup, helpful or not, from medics)

forUOTE=TomH;194533]I had blood taken for a Haemoglobin A1c last week and called to get the result today. Upon calling I was told by the secretary that the result has the comment "diabetic control needs improving" attatched to it but no numbers visible. I've now got to book an appointment tomorrow to go and see the GP who will be next to useless as far as my care is concerned. Like as not he'll try to take me off my pump and go for metformin and exercise instead! I'm not happy with this at all.

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