Stupid Effing Hypos

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So, this morning at around 4.30am I woke up all confused. Matt told me I'd been trying to give dextrose sweets to another diabetic who was apparently low (but obviously not there). I was 2.8 and completely out of it. Woke up at 8 feeling utterly poo, with a BG of 10, ate breakfast and corrected as normal. Get to work and I've been struggling with lows all day. The highest I've been in 3.9 and I just can't get them up to normal. Got home at 4pm and still only 3.8. I've just had my lunch, rather late I must say. Still not feeling better. Got that awful headache and fuzzy headed feeling that I usually get when I come out of a huge one.

I don't like this. I'm snuggled in my PJs waiting for a cup of tea from Matt. All I want to do is sin sin sin and have lots of chocolate, but already I feel as if i've eaten enough chocolate to last a life time. At work I had to have some real coke as id run out of dextrose, and all I can taste is that awful sugary taste.

I don't like this. I feel very very yucky. Have done all day, and I know I won't feel better until much later or even tomorrow morning. Thank God its my day off tomorrow. When I got into work and tried to tell them how crap I was feeling they didn't get it - I guess no one other than a diabetic knows excatly how poo hypos can make you feel :(
Hope you feel better.

Know that feeling. After Ive treated a big one, I always feel sick and to be honest, I think its the taste of lucozade I have come to hate through hypos- gross.

Get Matt to keep the teas coming and feel better honey 😉 x
Sorry to hear you have had a rubbish day Sam, hope your evening improves and you can have a nice quiet one in with Matt.

I wonder if you have got basal issues going on since seems like you last had rapid at 8am and still fighting lows well into the afternoon. Have you been able to get referred to the hospital yet?
hey sam,

sorry to hear you had another bad day :(

If you were hypo in the night it's probably best not to correct a 10 in the morning as this isn't too high and you are more prone to hypos after youve had one.
Sorry to hear you have had a rubbish day Sam, hope your evening improves and you can have a nice quiet one in with Matt.

I wonder if you have got basal issues going on since seems like you last had rapid at 8am and still fighting lows well into the afternoon. Have you been able to get referred to the hospital yet?

This is the first time in a long time ive been struggling with lows for the whole day. I thought id gone my evening one cracked at 16 units. Today must just be an off day what with rushing around to get up to the doctors this morning, only doing 4 hours at work today so no break etc.

As for the hospital, I saw my new doctor today and he's making me get my HBA1C with him in a couple of weeks. Afer that I'll go and see him, discuss things and then be referred to the hospital. He seems like a very clued up guy diabetes wise
hey sam,

sorry to hear you had another bad day :(

If you were hypo in the night it's probably best not to correct a 10 in the morning as this isn't too high and you are more prone to hypos after youve had one.

cant ruddy win at the mo!

I had just 2 extra units this morning as I was slowly getting higher (i really overate with the nightime hypo XD). Plus, chocolate breakfast cereal :D
cant ruddy win at the mo!

I had just 2 extra units this morning as I was slowly getting higher (i really overate with the nightime hypo XD). Plus, chocolate breakfast cereal :D

lol still eating that stuff? tut 😉

I guess you re walking to work? and on your feet all day... maybe you should reduce your insulin a bit :confused:
lol still eating that stuff? tut 😉

I guess you re walking to work? and on your feet all day... maybe you should reduce your insulin a bit :confused:

hahahaha, yep. Its cheap from Asda, and sooooooo yummy! :D

Yep, walk to work every morning and on my feet all day. I lowered my lantus a couple of weeks ago to 16 units and was fine on it. Til today. This has been the first time in quite a while that I've struggled with getting the levels up to decent. Hopefully its just a bit of a blip!
yeah hopefully, could just be because of that hypo. have a lovely day off tomorrow :D x
yeah hopefully, could just be because of that hypo. have a lovely day off tomorrow :D x

lol. THAT hypo. Is what it shall forever be known as.

I'm planning on a trip to the library and maybe the waterfront. And maybe if I can blag my way into the archaeology museum too :D
I have NO idea how you feel when you have a hypo - thank goodness - but I'm sorry to hear it's made you feel so horrible all day. Hope you feel better tomorrow on your day off.


This happened to me two weeks ago. Sugars had been fine but was told my cholestorol was high so decided to cut out between meal snacks.

Ended up having a week of lows where I couldn't get my sugars up. The night time hypos are the worst as they give you a sore head like a really, really bad hangover (minus the fun of drinking the night before) for the whole of the next day.

I've ended up reducing my Lantus from 28 down to 24 and I'm BG's are now between 6 and 10.

Hope you're feeling better.

Have a lovely day offf an do nothing if you need to..and dont feel guilty for it !
Oh dear that sounded like a dreadful day! can't say i've ever had a hypo all day that I can't get out of so to speak like that poor you :( Hope your feeling much better now.

Emma x
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