stupid doctors surgery!!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So when i phoned to get my blood result monday i was told it was 10.2 and was devastated! i was then told to make an app with the diabetic nurse which i went to today.........

First off she was not a diabetic nurse! she was just a general surgery nurse...when i went in she said "oh so you have come for your feet check"? umm no i had that in july..."oh right, so we are just doing your flu jab then" no i had that last week!! "Oh so why are you here"? ARGHHH! She then read her computer and pronounced my inslin as "Novapid"....Novapid!!!

Not only that but i was told my blood results were not even back yet and what i was told on the phone was a mistake! So its not 10.2 after all! then later i got a phonecall from them saying that the doctors sent the lab the wrong blood samples and i now have to have another blood test tomoro.....i am not impressed! 😡
Doctors receptionists have a habit of not giving out results properly. I know people who have been told that their HbA1c is high and it turns out the receptionist was reading the glucose results.

I hope that your manage to get your correct results soon and you are happier with them.

Might be worth writing to the practice manager
That is awful, no wonder you were upset. My Doctors surgery is the same. No people skills. I was once told my blood result was 15 it had been 6.7 three months before and I was 5 stone over weight. I weigh 9 stone. When i said to the doctor i think you have made a mistake, he replied asking me to stand on the weighing scales. Total nightmare. Hope you get a better result with the correct blood this time x x
Dreadful :( I know we are all human and entitled to make mistakes, but this sort of thing really riles me, especially if the culprits affect that sort of 'detatched' air as thought it's the fault of some mysterious 'system'.

Sounds like the poem I wrote yesterday!

Now, why have you made an appointment?
?You asked me if I would come in!?
And why did we ask you to do that?
I can?t think what the reason might have been!

Well, let?s have a look at your records?
I see that you?ve had a few tests.
That must be why we want to see you -
To decide what to do for the best!

This test says that you?ve just become pregnant!
That?s odd for an eighty year old!
I must say that you?re looking well though,
It?s the hormones that do that, I?m told!

Ah! This test says you?re diabetic!
I?m guessing you must be Type 2,
For Type 1s it has been my experience
Are much slimmer and younger than you!

What?s that, you?ve been Type 1 for decades?
You?re not pregnant because you are male?
Well then, please would you go, for I?m busy you know,
And I don?t have the time for your tales!

One of the GPs at my surgery after weighing me said oh you have lost weight - no I haven't. Checked again and he had my OH's record up. I let him off as I had asked for a blood test for OH so he had pulled it up and as an after thought decided to weigh me.
The good ol receptionist getting it wrong AGAIN , i was told my hbA was very high and wprrying by a receptionist and when i actually went on to see GP it was actually 7.9 but she didnt half worry me...Id write a letter of complain x
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