Stupid diabetes!

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I went to bed last night around midnight after injecting my lantus about half an hour earlier. Level was 5.8 which is perfectly OK for me. Woke up around 1:50 am needing the loo. As I was walking there suddenly felt a little sweaty and put it down to the heat. Then started to feel a bit woozy and shaky so tested back in the bedroom and I was 2.7! I've no idea if it was the hypo that woke me up or my bladder. Had some jelly babies and a biscuit, tested again about 45 mins later and I was 10.2. Tried to get back to sleep but couldn't. Tested again an hour later and was 6.8. Eventually decided to get up at 4 am and now feel knackered with a nasty hypo headache.

There is NO reason for this to happen! I haven't been very active, ate my usual meal the night before, all my novorapid would have gone by the time I took my lantus. I haven't had a night hypo in over a year! WHY????!!! 😡

Stupid diabetes!
This heat is doing all sorts of strange things.

For the past 2 days, to keep myself above 4 all day, I keep having to munch on dextrose tablets, cereal bars etc. I've dropped my lantus down and still the hypos are happening!
This happened to me last night too - 2.7 at about 1am when the baby woke me up. Treated, all was good, then was 3.6 when I got woken up at 7am. Fortunately I'm that sleep deprived at the moment I have no trouble getting back to sleep when I've got the chance!

I'm convinced it's the heat, as I did nothing different yesterday than I normally would. I've been noticing a few more daytime hypos too, which I think is due to the heat as well. I love the summer, but it's starting to really annoy me now...
Hope you feel better. This whole thing needs shooting. I thought I'd had problems with the antibiotics (even worried the doctor), but hypos are worse.
Poor you...i hope you are feeling a tadge better?

Nothing worse in this heat with the D to contend with as well. My BG has been all over the shop what with the heat and my germs which are making me feel just terrible. I woke up with a BG of 9.8 😱 which rarely happens. Hypo headaches are the worst. I find they linger 😡 The D can be a right old pain in the preverbials.

Mind you, I am thinking of going home (am at work) as feeling well grotty and want sleeeeeep big time. Want to be well for the weekend of course 🙂

Hope you are feeling better though...if you can rest your head that can help too.

Bernie xx 🙂
yep same problem, think is the heat too. Lots of hypos for few weeks, droped all of my basal rates, by so much that my levels were too high so putting them back up again. At least one hypo a day though at the moment 😡

I used to love heat and the summer, now im happy when its raining! :(
Me too, 2.2 at 2.30am, not fun.
I have a slice of toast before bed which is usallu more than enough, if i have two slices then it will be around 12ish in the morning so 1 is always better.
Wehn i got out of bed a 7.30 it was 5.4 still didnt feel 100% have felt low all day even though i am not.
Nothing worse than a hypo headache :(
Hope you feel better xx
Had a very similar thing on Sunday night, went to bed with a blood sugar in range then woke up about 1:30 with a hypo. The felt rough all day monday. I put it down to the heat for me.
Had a very similar thing on Sunday night, went to bed with a blood sugar in range then woke up about 1:30 with a hypo. The felt rough all day monday. I put it down to the heat for me.

The thing is though that it's been hot for a while - this is the first night hypo I've had since May 2009! I've had another just now - a 3.6 two hours after lunch. I know that that one is down to me having an out of the ordinary day - up since 4 am, breakfast at 5, then needed something at 10:30, then 13:30, so I've had more jabs than normal. Feel rubbish with no sleep too, grrr!
hope you feel better soon northener and that maybe you get a bit of shut eye this evening x
Hope you have a better night tonight......sounds like you need to get your head down fact if I was up at 4am I would be doing big ZZZZZZZZ already. Boooooooooooo to hypo's.
diabetes is such a b***h at the moment. I think my night hypos are back cuz I'm waking up higher than normal :/ I keep missing my 3am wakeup alarm...not good :/ i would like my hypo awareness back please :(
diabetes is such a b***h at the moment. I think my night hypos are back cuz I'm waking up higher than normal :/ I keep missing my 3am wakeup alarm...not good :/ i would like my hypo awareness back please :(

Goodness Sam, you as well :( Seems there must be something in the air, not just the heat - perhaps it's a government plot! My hypo awareness seems to be there, it just doesn't kick in until the mid-2s which I'm none too happy about - something to put to GP next week. Hoepfully the BP will be better and she might let me reduce the meds a bit.

Hope you all have a better night tonight! I know that if I try and catch some zeds in the day then I won't sleep at night.
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