stupid bloods.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
my levels are yoyoing like crazy. One hour they are good the next they are up in the teens then back down then back up. Just dunno what's going on! Been like this for past two weeks at least.
Grrr! Hope they settle down soon. Make sure you are writing them all down (or uploading to computer!) so that you can take them to your new clinic when they finally send you the right date!🙄🙂
Its such a pain isn't it Lou. Stress could be playing its part - I know when I was under an awful lot of stress they would go really high and drop suddenly. The other thing is to check your injection sites have not gone lumpy as that can cause erratic absorption of the insulin.

Hope you get some joy soon
Hi Lou ...

Nathan's can be like that at times .. I have put it down to either growth hormones or stress ..

It drives us both mad .. As Northe says record bg readings and take to next clinic appointment ..

Hope you gett he numbers sorted. Atthe moment I am blaming it all on the Chocolate Festival...
I wish I could blame it on that!! I've had none this easter!!! Bloods went from 15.7 down to 2.6. I hate this ****
I wish I could blame it on that!! I've had none this easter!!! Bloods went from 15.7 down to 2.6. I hate this ****

Hi Lou ..

What time scale did your bloods drop from high to low?


PS .. If it helps Lou, Nathan .. fed up with it all today as well .. I've just had a mouth full of tourettes ... 😱
Hey Lou,

Sorry you've been having a bad time of late, hope this week you have some better days! Stick at it, you'll get there, and it'll be worth it.

Keep the faith

Rossi 🙂
Hi Lou .. What time scale did your bloods drop from high to low? Heidi xx:D PS .. If it helps Lou, Nathan .. fed up with it all today as well .. I've just had a mouth full of tourettes ... 😱
over 6 hours. Just don't know whats going on. So ready to give up.....
6 hours is quite a long time you know.

When I was under a great deal of stress at work. I could go home on 20, I would have my evening meal, only inject for that and by bed I could be low. It was the stress hormones messing me up. One Dr told me that it was the increase and decrease in the stress hormones that was to blame. Do you think you may be having that to a degree ?

Could you call your DSN or get an emergency appointment with your Dr - and tell them how down you are getting with the erratic control. I don't think you really want to give up - you are having a hard time and just wish the diabetes would be consistent and predicable and not send you on a merry dance. We all get days when we think why am I bothering - but you know you are worth the effort - and so does your family and friends.

It may not seem it now - but things will improve.
Take care
i don't think its stress. Just had a relaxing weekend away. And they were still up and down. Back up to 13 even though i carb counted and gave myself 2 extra units as i knew i would go slightly higher because of hypo rebound. I just don't know what i am doing wrong. I get everyone to check my carb counting as i don't trust myself. I got it right. I think i'm going to live off egg or ham salads this week.
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