Study Suggests Gastric Bypass Causes Glucose Spikes, Crashes

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Relationship to Diabetes
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Despite its reputation as the gold standard for weight loss, gastric bypass surgery may result in a post-meal glucose spike followed by a blood sugar crash that causes between-meal hunger, according to recent findings. The research examined the effects of different bariatric procedures on post-meal glucose reactions.

Mitchell S. Roslin, MD, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City, and his colleagues first became interested in glucose tolerance testing after noticing that many of their patients who regained weight after gastric bypass surgery complained of inter-meal hunger, especially following meals rich in simple carbohydrates.

?Consistent with that is the fact that there are new conditions?nesidioblastosis, noninsulinoma pancreatogenous hypoglycemia syndrome, hyperinsulinemia and hypoglycemia?[that are] becoming more common after gastric bypass,? Dr. Roslin said. ?These are entities surgeons rarely encountered previous to this [era in bariatric surgery].?
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