Study reveals how high fat foods impact diabetes and metabolic syndrome

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University of Michigan Health System lab study points to protein that triggers harmful effect of indulgent eating

A University of Michigan Health System study provides new clues about the health-damaging molecular changes set in motion by eating high fat foods.

A better understanding of the body?s response to indulgent eating could lead to new approaches for treating diabetes and metabolic syndrome. High fat foods can contribute to obesity, which increases the risk for developing type 2 diabetes.

The researchers learned a key protein called Bcl10 is needed for the free fatty acids, found in high fat food and stored in body fat, to impair insulin action and lead to abnormally high blood sugar.

In the laboratory study, mice deficient in Bcl10 were protected from developing insulin resistance when fed a high-fat diet. The findings were published online ahead of print in the May 31 issue of Cell Reports.

It's those diabetic mice again! 🙄
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