Study: diet causes lower insulin needs in Type 1

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A study shows lowered insulin needs and increased sensitivity on a low fat plant-based diet for Type 1s.

“Compared with the other group, participants on the low-fat vegan diet saw a 28% reduction in insulin needs and 127% improvement in insulin sensitivity. The researchers also noted improvements in A1C (a measure of average blood sugar) for both groups, with the vegan group seeing a slightly larger improvement. Because heart disease and diabetes are closely intertwined, the researchers also ran lipid panels for the participants at the beginning and end of the trial. While both groups saw reductions in their total cholesterol, the vegan group saw a larger drop-off—about 32 points, compared with an 11-point drop among the non-vegan group.”
Where is the link please?

I’ve been eating less meat myself, in the hope to improve my cholesterol, and I have been enjoying it. Not noticed this.
As some alternatives have more carbs than the meat versions so I have found in some cases more insulin needed.
As some alternatives have more carbs than the meat versions so I have found in some cases more insulin needed.

I don’t use any meat substitutes @PhoebeC apart from falafels. It’s more a change of the way you eat rather than just swapping meat products for the vegan equivalent. I did a raw low fat vegan diet before and it lowered my insulin use very quickly (and I don’t use a lot anyway). Note it has to be low-fat, not just meat-free. Veg, fruit, beans, grains, tubers, nuts and seeds in moderation. There are lots of recipes on that website and other sites too.
Thank you. Very interesting.

I e lost weight weight too which isn’t really welcome. Might be muscle too as I am still tired and not as active after my operation.
Not surprised really as find both fat & animal protein requires more insulin, more so if meal is higher in fat than usual.

No way could I go just plant based, like my dairy & meat to much. Started last year having one meat free day a week, usually Wednesday so not had today.
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