Study:Bariatric Surgery Not as Effective for Diabetes Remission as Previously Thought

If, after surgery, your diabetes is manageable then you have achieved something. I think the psychological input prior to surgery is as important as the surgery itself. If eating issues are not addressed and solved then there is no point to it.

I read on another forum yesterday that a person has been refused this by their PCT and so they are funding the operation courtesy of their credit card, ?8,500.:eek:
They also admitted that they very much doubt that they will be able to afford the repayments. You have to be pretty desperate to do that.

When you look at the Weight Loss Group on this forum and what they have achieved, it makes you wonder if the support that this Group gives to each other is the key to success because the results are amazing.
Reading the article, not just the headlines, reveals statement by the lead author "But it's clear that weight loss surgery, particularly gastric bypass, has a significant beneficial effect on glucose control."

So, while remission (presumably defined as changing from needing medication to no longer needing medication after surgery) may be rarer than previously thought, there are still considerable benefits to correctly selected patients.
I was orignally booked in for looking into having this but family were really worrying so backed out , but glad i did now even my consultant said she wouldnt recommend as results not as good as first thought off , when some people becoming underweight and malnorished where body not able to absorb vitamins and minerals properly .