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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Two weeks with my pump and BGs gone mad. I know I was to expect ups and downs but for the last couple of days I've been unable to get BG below 10.6! DSN suggested I increase each hourly basal rate by 0.05 which I've just done and hopefully this will help. Even the night time testing at 2am and 5am we're showing 10s and 11s.

I will get this right - I'm very determined but feeling rubbish is not good! :(
My suggestion would be to start your basal testing if you haven't already done so 🙂
Yes it's very frustrating and to some upsetting until they have sorted things out. It will come right so hang in there 🙂 Just think of the reward once you have sorted things out.
Hi Maryanne29,

I know how you feel. I started mine at the end of September and had a fairly level set of BG's but real life got in the way of adjustments. Long story short my dad was diagnosed with cancer and passed away last month so my control went up in the air.

This week however I'm back to focus on the up and down BG's I've been having. Using the basal testing thats been stickied at the top of this forum I'm seeing definite patterns and the advise for the adjustments is clear and simple.

Already after 5 days I've managed to be fairly level (give or take) between 10:00 am and 6.p.m so it is very much manageable. We just sometimes need encouragement/support to concentrate on it and that's what I take from reading and posting here, I hope you do to.

On a side note, but useful one, when I got my Animas I got a free account for diasend and I find this great for seeing the daily picture of BG's with the rates right above it. It makes it easy for even the likes of me to pinpoint where my basal is working or needs adjusting. Certainly better than compiling my own spreadsheet and graphs:D This is only good if both your pump and meter can upload to it but looking at those listed the majority can/should.

1 more quick encouragement for you. Yesterday was my first Hba1c since starting pumping and despite the ups and downs I've had it has gone from 8.5% to 8%. In my whole memorable history being type 1 the lowest I ever got was 8.3% so it's good to remember that immediate results dont necciserily mean the long term isnt getting better.


P.S Sorry that was a bit long winded 😉
Stick with it, you will get there eventually......😉
Sorry to hear about your Dad Derek. Glad your pump is already paying dividends in terms of Hba1c reductions.

Maryanne, don't give up, you'll get there! 🙂
Maryanne - I'd have binned my pump somewhere round week 3 if it hadn't been for the fact I thought my husband would say 'told you' or something equally helpful (he probably wouldn't, he isn't nasty) but it was just .... it seemed impossible to fathom.

Pumper Sue even offered me a phone helpline! - so I must have sounded like I needed it ! - for which I was properly grateful - but I said I thought, it really was something I had to work through myself.

And I did, which pleasantly surprised me really cos TBH I'm not ever so 'analytical' and you have to be that to sort it out. So grit your teeth and do it.

It actually only took me about another week or so until Holly was (and still is) my best D mate !
Thank you all for your encouragement. It has been a bit better today having increased all the basal rates. I won't be giving up that's for certain. I had done some basal testing and it was looking ok but I will do some more.

Sorry to hear about your Dad Derek? I lost my Mum earlier this year and it is very tough. Take care.

Thank you all again. 🙂
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