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kathy s

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Sorry but I think I'm going to have a bit of a rant, I'm not coping well at the moment, I feel the world is against me! My work changed an activity on me without consulting me, told me it was a management decision they came to because of my diabetes. The same activity they stopped me doing was one I did the week before! Because I voiced my objections I was given a written warning! I can't get my sugars down, my fingers are sore, food is my enemy right now. I do have some appointments booked for mid August but I was diagnosed in May and given no support.
My average sugars on my monitor are between 7 -8 sometimes when I eat it goes down! Sometimes it spikes.
Is it total carb content or type of carb I should be looking at, last night I had frankfurters which said 1.6 carb per sausage so I had 4. I also had noodles the packet said under 30g carb so I thought as my main meal it was fine. But I went from a sugar reading of 5.4 to 10.2!
I have no idea what I'm doing , I've also had grilled chicken breast, brocoli and 4 new potatoes and been absolutely fine hardly going up much even with potatoes. I know I'm uncontrolled but I just can't get a handle on it at all. Sorry for rant I'm all over the place.
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My work changed an activity on me without consulting me, tols ne it was a management decision they came to because of my diabetes
What did they change? You should be able to work as normally unless you’re in certain lines of work eg HGV driver newly on insulin etc.
@kathy s - do you have union representation of a manager you can take up this rather obvious ploy to upset you at work? It would be wise to keep a record of dates and people involved to have if needed, and I suspect you will need it at some point. I think that they are getting muddled with type1 - perhaps someone at diabetes HQ could assist.
Your numbers are not uncontrolled at all - if you can eat noodles at all and not be in the teens that is good.
What did they change? You should be able to work as normally unless you’re in certain lines of work eg HGV driver newly on insulin etc.
I teach, the week before I did a 14 hour day taking children to a concert, this week I couldn't go on day trip 9am -3 pm as my diabetes isn't controlled. They also needed me to cover other classes which I suspect was the main reason.
Sorry but I think I'm going to have a bit of a rant, I'm not coping well at the moment, I feel the world is against me! My work changed an activity on me without consulting me, told me it was a management decision they came to because of my diabetes. The same activity they stopped me doing was one I did the week before! Because I voiced my objections I was given a written warning! I can't get my sugars down, my fingers are sore, food is my enemy right now. I do have some appointments booked for mid August but I was diagnosed in May and given no support.
My average sugars on my monitor are between 7 -8 sometimes when I eat it goes down! Sometimes it spikes.
Is it total carb content or type of carb I should be looking at, last night I had frankfurters which said 1.6 carb per sausage so I had 4. I also had noodles the packet said under 30g carb so I thought as my main meal it was fine. But I went from a sugar reading of 5.4 to 10.2!
I have no idea what I'm doing , I've also had grilled chicken breast, brocoli and 4 new potatoes and been absolutely fine hardly going up much even with potatoes. I know I'm uncontrolled but I just can't get a handle on it at all. Sorry for rant I'm all over the place.
Hi - I believe polite rants are allowed. 😎

Difficult to be definitive without more detail on your work changes:

Did the changes affect your hours or pay? If so, I believe that is disability discrimination and therefore illegal and amounts to constructive dismissal if you can't stay, but you need advice. Union is best and cheapest. If not, they may just be trying to help, but if you think you can be calm, make the point that it would be nice to ask your opinion first. With that sort of management, you really should be in a union.

Don't like giving advice, but, from my experience:

Frankfurters are processed food - do you know what's in them (I don't, and probably don't want to know)? Pasta (noodles) has lots of carbs, which the body converts to sugar. There's lots of info on the web, eg: (and this website) and whilst a Type 2 diagnosis necessitates lifestyle changes if you don't want unpleasant things to happen, don't be too hard on yourself - take it in stages.

I first of all gave up all sugar - cereal and in coffee are first, but then all the biscuits and cakes and all the other myriad things they put sugar in, a few months later, alcohol, then gave up normal bread (you can buy low carb, but it's a bit pricey), then rice and pasta and became effectively low carb before I knew it - you need help/research for this - and every few weeks I have an off day, where I might have something I miss - garlic bread, a pint, whatever - it's the trend matters not the odd blip.

I don't miss sugar now, and if someone puts it in my coffee it makes me gag. I eat lots of nuts and non-processed meats. I also don't monitor my blood sugar daily, but do pay attention to the HbA1c (I see you say you've had no support, but I'm sure they'll get around to it - most surgeries have diabetic nurses - ask for an appointment).

Make your decision to change your lifestyle, do your research, and make a plan (easy things first) to order your changes over a couple of years or whatever you feel comfortable with.

Good luck
Thank you JJay I may well email my head this link. just need to gain tje courage 1st in case I'm accused of a disrespectful attitude again!

Goozer321 thank you, I have started to make changes, and I think I have breakfast and lunch sorted it's trying to get a range of main meals that are ok sorted now! I've switched to herbal tea due to the sugar content in the ready made coffee satchets i used.
Thank you JJay I may well email my head this link. just need to gain tje courage 1st in case I'm accused of a disrespectful attitude again!

Goozer321 thank you, I have started to make changes, and I think I have breakfast and lunch sorted it's trying to get a range of main meals that are ok sorted now! I've switched to herbal tea due to the sugar content in the ready made coffee satchets i used.
Cc your union rep into the email
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