Struggling with Ozempic


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
First post so apologies in advance if Ive done anything wrong / not followed protocol etc

I have been on 500mg Metformin for many years until the new year when things went a bit awry. Following a routine 6 month blood/urine test my HbA1c hit 99 so Metformin was increased x4 and gliclazide prescribed.The increased dose of Metformin upset me so I was prescribed the SR version which improved things but it didnt bring my BS down ( averaged 15/16 after eating )so last month my GP suggested Ozempic. I have been really suffering since with diarrhea and feeling sick ( but not actually sick ). I took my third dose but reluctant to take any more until i have spoken to my GP next week ( he is on hols now ) Its brought my BS down a point or so though, but its been at a price

Is there any alternative to Ozempic what may be kinder to my stomach ?
Anyone else suffered similar symptoms ?
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Hi @Tonypam and welcome to the forum. No direct experience myself but we have members who are on Ozempic. If you search the forum you will find comments that have been made and in any case I am sure some will along soon to contribute to this thread.

In terms of protocols no problems, although active links in posts are something the moderators are wary about. The link <this morning> in your post refers to a non existent page on this forum. What were your intentions in adding it?
First post so apologies in advance if Ive done anything wrong / not followed protocol etc

I have been on 500mg Metformin for many years until the new year when things went a bit awry. Following a routine 6 month blood/urine test my HbA1c hit 99 so Metformin was increased x4 and gliclazide prescribed.The increased dose of Metformin upset me so I was prescribed the SR version which improved things but it didnt bring my BS down ( averaged 15/16 after eating )so last month my GP suggested Ozempic. I have been really suffering since with diarrhea and feeling sick ( but not actually sick ). I took my third dose but reluctant to take any more until i have spoken to my GP next week ( he is on hols now ) Its brought my BS down a point or so though, but its been at a price

Is there any alternative to Ozempic what may be kinder to my stomach ?
Anyone else suffered similar symptoms ?
It maybe if you are seeing that you blood glucose is still high despite taking the various medication you need to look seriously at you diet and the amount of carbohydrate you are having. You could go back to basics and keep a food diary along with some testing results before and 2 hours after you eat to see what food are increasing the level by more than 3mmol/l.
What would be a typical day for you food wise?
If you are feeling so rough you probably don't feel like eating much which may not be helping. Make sure you do not get dehydrated, but you need to maintain your electrolyte balance as well so rehydration salts may help.
No experience of the meds but I'm sure there will be others who will chip in with some suggestions, but please do try to speak to your G P /nurse asap if your symptoms continue.
Hi. Ozempic (a Glutide) is normally prescribed for T2s if there is excess weight. For some it can cause bowel upset. If you have excess weight reducing the carbs in your diet is the best approach and eventually you may be able to stop the Ozempic. If you don't have excess weight then I would ask the GP why you have been prescribed Ozempic as there are other med options depending on HBA1c and whether you have insulin resistance.
Hello and welcome. It may be useful to keep a food any symptom diary to see if you can identify a trend in symptoms. Does the upset stomach happen after large meals or high fat or high carb meals etc. Reducing portions if you haven’t already could help too. Ozempic does take a month or so to build up in your system so it could be that the symptoms settle down in time, but it would be worth speaking to a GP before your first pen runs out as you may need to stay on the lower dose for a longer time period.