Struggling with daily hypos - don't know what to do!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi guys

For the past month or two, I've been really struggling with daily hypos. I think it's basically started when I started going to the gym - but the hypos aren't just when I am at the gym or after I've been to the gym, they're at all random points throughout the day and even if I haven't been for a day or two.

I will have at least one a day, sometimes two or three. I realise I need to start reviewing my basal and my bolus rates, and I will try and do this within the next week.

I'm just feeling a bit frustrated and scared because I've started losing my awareness. I used to feel a hypo as soon as I hit 3.9 - but now I'm mostly in the mid 2s before I get the usual signs which is scaring me. I'm not getting too much support from my DSN so I'm feeling a bit lost as well.

I just really need to sort this but I don't know where to start :confused:
I will have at least one a day, sometimes two or three. I realise I need to start reviewing my basal and my bolus rates, and I will try and do this within the next week.

You already know what to do given what you have said above. Exercise can effect blood glucose levels up to 12 hours after finishing, of course much depends on the activity and duration of the exercise.
Yeah Toby that's why I'm finding it a bit weird that it even happens on off days (more like 24-48 hours after exercise). I just find it a bit daunting to start as I know it won't just be my basal, it's my sensitivity as well (I sometimes go hypo after a correction) but possibly only at certain times of the day, and my bolus ratios as well, but they also seem to differ from day to day.

There just seem to be no logic to any of this at the moment :(
Noooooooooo - both of you!!!! exercise affects us up to round about 48 hours!

Ilse, what reduction have you got in your pump settings to compensate for boluses after exercise? - and what for your basal ditto?

I strongly suggest you increase it.
It does also have a cumulative effect. The more you go, the fitter you become, the less insulin you need (to a point).

The random nature could be down to liver output or muscle fatigue or just plain old carbs on board. Don't forget, that when you exercise, your muscles are depleted of glycogen and need to refuel. This is what can take 24-48 hours, as well as the increased insulin sensitivity (I presume) so you'll need to adjust things as you go.

Apparently the more muscle, the greater number of insulin receptors, and that's why you use it more efficiently.

I only heard that the other day but makes total sense to me.
Hi Ilse
sounds very frustrating. But as you have already said you need to do some basal testing. 🙂 The sooner you do this the sooner things will fall into shape.
As to your hypo warnings have you thought about changing your target blood sugar? IE., run your blood sugars a bit higher for a while.
Another thought is if you are having random lows like that are you sure your insulin isn't pooling then letting go with a bang? If this is a possibility then perhaps try a shorted cannula.
Hope you manage to sort yourself soon.

If you exhust all options then look at your pump is it faulty?
Thanks all for the replies! Sorry I haven't responded sooner.

I've been to hospital in the meantime and got a CGM to borrow for a week so my DSN and dietitian can help me sort things out. I think you are all right, the challenge is just how to sort it all, which I hope the CGM can help with. Going back on Thursday to talk through the results so hopefully that will be the first step to sorting it!

And Sue, about the pooling that might also be a problem but I will start a new thread about that!
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