Struggling type 2

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've been diagnosed type 2 since 2015 and I'm struggling. My last hb1ac in Feb was 82 and my medication was changed from 2000g Metformin to 100g Sitagliptin and 80g Glicaside. I'm due another blood test at tge end of May, but I'm struggling with my eating habits. I always have a slice of toast for breakfast but eat a teacake midday and eat a meal about 6 in the evening which is usually chicken with some sort of potato and veg. My BG before bed is usually around the 15 mark and my waking average is around 10. My BG very rarely goes below 9. Could anyone give advice on how to get motivated and some ideas for afternoon and evening meals. Thank you.
Hi. Can you let us know whether you have any excess weight or are slim? Sometimes T2s who are slim can be misdiagnosed Late onset T1s - I'm one of those. If you are slim or have lost weight without trying then ask for the two tests for T1. You may want to reduce your carbs a bit to help lower the BS? Hopefully the two new drugs will help; I was one all three of your drugs for many months.
Hi DaveB. When I was diagnosed I weighed 13st 12. I currently weigh 9st 12 . I lost weight without trying. My Hb1ac at diagnosis was 71 and its currently 82. I was taken off the Metformin because of the weight loss and left without medication for 2 months. I feel a lot better now I have medication but still struggle to lower my BG levels. My doctors do not have a Diabetic Nurse and my nurse practitioner has advised to go on this website for advice.
Less toast, bread and potatoes would help a lot. Add more meat and veg to replace it on the plate. Se a fork and eat the fillings from sandwiches on their own. Eggs and bacon for breakfast. Have a read here for the principles and elsewhere on the site are loads of free recipes, food charts and information pages.
Also get a meter and test before each meal and 2hrs later. Looking for a rise of less than 2mmol. If it rises more it means you cannot cope with the carbs in that meal so should consider eating less of it next time.
When I was diagnosed I weighed 13st 12. I currently weigh 9st 12 . I lost weight without trying.

This is a major red flag.. you need to ask your doctor to test your endogenous insulin production. Sounds like you might have a problem with producing enough insulin. You could also try cutting out some of the carbs from your diet which may help but the insulin or c-peptide test should be carried out asap.
This is a major red flag.. you need to ask your doctor to test your endogenous insulin production. Sounds like you might have a problem with producing enough insulin. You could also try cutting out some of the carbs from your diet which may help but the insulin or c-peptide test should be carried out asap.
It is over an 8yr period though so not quite so clearcut. Has it been a slow and steady loss over the entire period on what looks to be a very small diet, especially if Metformin had it’s common digestive side effects. Quite different if it’s more sudden with no change in diet/activity as you say. Also depends on the Op’s size and activity levels if the current weight is appropriate or not. Probably a good idea if it can be done still but I wouldn’t be convinced just yet.
Although you sound to have a quite high carb diet and the medication you are on is clearly unable to allow your body to cope with the amount of carbs.
I agree the weight loss is sending a red flag that you may be misdiagnosed and you should keep in mind that you may be Type 1 or LADA and ask your GP for the relevant tests as that would enable you to to have the correct treatment. Even if it is not the case then it may be that insulin would help you. LADA is a slowly developing condition.
Thank you for your advice. I am trying to cut down on the carbs. I have started a food diary and will check my BG before and 2 hours after meals. I am due a blood test at the end of the month and will speak to the nurse after the results. Hopefully my BG will start to come down.
Thank you for your advice. I am trying to cut down on the carbs. I have started a food diary and will check my BG before and 2 hours after meals. I am due a blood test at the end of the month and will speak to the nurse after the results. Hopefully my BG will start to come down.
How rapid was the unexpected weight loss Trisha?
Thank you for your advice. I am trying to cut down on the carbs. I have started a food diary and will check my BG before and 2 hours after meals. I am due a blood test at the end of the month and will speak to the nurse after the results. Hopefully my BG will start to come down.

Good luck with your new plan @Trisha66

Let us know what you find out at your appointments, and if any investigations are undertaken for your unintentional weight loss.
As most ordinary type 2s can put on half a pound just by walking past a bakery whilst breathing in, your weightloss is rather unusual. It really ought to have raised red flags and resulted in further investigation.
If you continue to lose weight it could be a strong indication of some other type of diabetes, particularly if your blood glucose levels remain high, or possibly that you are a type 2 needing insulin. Your HCPs should be less assuming, I think as they are the only ones who can order tests and diagnose.
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