struggling to cope!!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Oh my god!!!! the last few months have got progressively worse! i just feel like i cant cope! i admit that i havent been as disciplined as i should have been with my diabetes but it so hard!! injections and testing hurts and i resent doing it!
i feel like my life has been snatched away from me! like this rubbish disease is running my life completely! i know its silly that i feel like this and i know i cant do it! but i just dont want to! my doctor has put me on antidepressants which dont really seem to be helping. my dad is also a type 1 diabetic but i find it hard to speak to him as he totally abuses his diabetes! i have a diabetic nurse at the hospital that i have to see every 2 weeks, but i just cant seem to get across to anyone how i feel! i dont know what to do!!! has anyone else experienced this or am i as alone as i feel??? :(
In the absence of someone to give you a cuddle and some emotional support (physical that is) I can only think that you should ask your nurse at the hospital if they can give you some specialist emotional help, they must come across this problem all the time.
Sorry about your dad, have you told him how you feel? You should.
Don't forget that we are all here to support you and at the risk of being accused of being a dirty old man {hugs}.
Hi Sianee, I moved this to the General board so more would see it. I'm so sorry to hear you're having such a difficult time coping with things. Try not to look back, but think about taking it in small steps so that you don't feel so overwhelmed by everything. It can be very hard at first, especially when it hits you at your age, but it will get better. At first, there is so much to think of, but you will reach a point where you find you no longer feel it is controlling you. You will still have bad days, but non-diabetic people have those too - there's always the danger of forgetting that and building diabetes up to be the cause of everything - don't let it get so big in your mind.

It might be a good idea to write down your feelings as they happen and put a time next to it. You might be able to see a pattern of the times when it is worse - is it when you have to do your injections? Are you using the smallest needles? I think you'll find there are lots of people here who have experienced just what you are feeling, so do let us know when you are down - or for anything!
yes, i have told my dad how i feel, but he is so stuborn and thinks he knows best. he does give me advice on general thing but not so much on the emotional side of things.
my boyfriend is very supportive but with this being pretty much his first experience of anyone with diabetes he doesnt understand (not through lack of trying though!)
the nurse i see has refered me to a phycologist so i have someone to talk to, but i find it hard to explain how i feel!
i just feel so alone!
thanks for your advice

You are most definitely not alone feeling like this.

I have a little experience re: anti-depressants from what happened with my father (so it is a little second-hand knowledge, but valid nonetheless). It may take time to get the right prescription for you. You need to keep going back to your GP if they're not doing anything for you (but they may take time to start working properly so listen to your GP about when they're likely to take effect). Basically, don't suffer in silence.

By the way, it took a little while for my father to regain something of his old self. But I'm pleased to say that he is much better now now that he's got the right medication.

Totally with Northerner.

We all have bad days, and I also agree that the first few are very tough.
Think positively and build on what you already have.

I'm not going to lie and say it's a breeze, but after 18 years I do feel like the ups and downs have equaled an overall positive!
Once you get the hang of it you should be fine. Just keep strong for now.

Try to build on the positives; you've got a lot to look forward to.

Sorry for checking you profile, but being a chef is a huge advantage in something like this 🙂.

Good luck and keep us informed. Your not alone as there are roughly 220 million of us out there. Hope it goes well!
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Hi Sianee

I know exactly how you are feeling right now, up untill 4 weeks ago I just felt you do now, I was down fed up with Injecting and fed up with taking all the pills I'm on..

I went to see my Nurse at the Gp's and I was with her for nearly an hour, My partner came with me and told the Nurse that I'd given up was down depressed and generaly P***** off.. The Nurse took my Blood sugar whilst I was in there and it was 29.1 and she said to me (When did you give up on Life) with that comment I broke down and told her everything... Go see your's sit and explain how you are feeling.

My Nurse rings me every 3-4 days to take my readings from me and has been upping my Insulin everytime, she even rings me on the weekends and I also have her Home number in case I have any worries... I have had to call her a couple of times in the evening and she has been really helpful..

Dont see the doctor as they dont really understand what we all go through with this Bloody thing...

Anyway as they say on here we are all here to help and chat Goodluck x

Hello and welcome tot he forum. I'm sorry you are having such a tough time. We all feel lousy from time to time and think why me.

My dad and I are type 2, when I tried to talk to him abot how I felt, he told me I better talk to my mum because he doesn't do that kind of thing. I'd rather hug a hungry tiger than tell my mum!

See youe DSN or the nurse at your doctors surgery, and come here as often as you like. We can offer support and thre is sure to be someone who understands exactly how you feel.

I'm glad your partner is supportive, that is a big help. It might help if you could get on a DAFNE course (Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating). Ask your GP, practice nurse or DSN if there is one near you. Some people also find doing something like an Expert Patinets Course helpful. It is a generic course for people with with long term medical conditions. I have recently done an Xpert daibetes course for type 2's but I think they are going to introduce one for type 1's. Their web site is if you want to find out more.

I hope you feel better soon, although we can't give you physical hugs, we can send you virtual hugs and give support
Hi Sianee
I totally get how you're feeling! I hate having to test my blood every day and still can't even bring myself to inject insulin! And as for having to give up my 3 bars of choc a day habit........................................!
I went to see my GP last week, in floods of tears, and he just told me to get on with it! He won't even refer me for help to get over my needle phobia or for counselling! His excuse - it doesn't work! He also would not refer me to a DAFNE course until I start to inject myself!
So, am now changing my GP! I need someone who will support me!
My diabetic nurse hasn't spoken to me since 12th May - even though that was 7 days after putting me on insulin! So have arranged to see a different nurse at the clinic!
Perhaps you should see a different nurse if they're not supportive enough?
I also found the Diabetes for Dummies book scary but useful! They include details of different methods of insulin injections (pumps, air injections etc) which might be a alternative to your injections.
I wish we could all have a DSN like Jules001 has got!
Work's Occupational Health are arranging for me to see one of their doctors for extra help. Is that an option for you too?
In the meantime, here's a big virtual hug { } and hope you're feeling a bit chirpier today! xx 😛
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