Struggling Emotionally

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I've been struggling for a few months with waves of overwhelm and sadness that last for weeks at a time. I've had type 1 for 6 years and recently it feels as hard as it did when I was first diagnosed. I regularly feel as though I can't accept that this is forever because it feels so hard. I am starting therapy in a few weeks time, but just wondering whether anyone else has any perspectives that help them, or things they do that help to ease these types of feelings?

Thanks 🙂

When going through hard times I used to make an agreement with myself that I would do my best to cope for that day, not try to take on the burden of all the tomorrows there might be as there might well be something better turning up in the morning, or a problem might have resolved itself overnight.
A bit like Annie's sun coming out tomorrow combined with a Micawberish hope of living within one's income, but it seemed to be a sustaining outlook on the situation.
Hi @Manda I am sorry to hear that you are finding things difficult emotionally.

@trophywench often likens a diagnosis of T1 to the grieving (for our lost health) process that we go through. I found that helpful and useful to recognise that this will come in waves, and take time.

It is not uncommon to find life with T1 hard and it is good that you have reached out on the forum. I took a long time to open up when I was struggling but did eventually ask for help. I posted the strategies that I learnt on here so I hope that there may be something useful in here.

There are still days when, with something else going wrong, managing my diabetes is just one thing too many, and the tears come. I now let myself have a good cry, shout, rant, or a moan on here with people who just ‘get it’. Take one day at a time and keep in touch on here.
Sorry to hear that @Manda Type 1 can be very wearing. I find it’s best to just take one day at a time. Don’t think about the future. It’s pointless as it’s unknown and thinking about things that might or might not happen is a waste of mental energy. Same with thinking about the past - it’s passed, you can’t change it. Focus on the moment. Look at your blood glucose results as just numbers to inform your actions. They’re not judgements on you.

Get into a routine with meals. I tend to have very similar breakfasts and lunches most days as it removes thought. Jot carbs on recipes, keep a notebook of known meals, so you can just repeat them without having to count the carbs.

Don’t be a perfectionist. Not only is perfection not possible anyway, it will let diabetes take over your life. Live your life and see diabetes as an annoying thing in the background. Yes, we can’t ignore it, but we can deal with it and put it back in its box.

Finally, you’re not alone. We all know what it’s like. Come and moan, rant, laugh with us. You’ll get support and feel better just knowing there are people who understand xx
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