Strips again

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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
What an adventure! I just made my first purchase on eBay, 100 test strips for ?27.99. I feel so proud of myself.:D That's two months worth, half price.
Well done Ally! Bargain!🙂 Although, I do wonder where they come from - presumably people who get them on prescription but don't use them? If not, where else? Which means that we have some people ripping off the NHS, whilst others are being refused when they have a true need for them.

Maybe everyone should be prescribed strips, but have to produce a meter download when they want some more to prove they actually used the last lot? Just an idea - don't hate me for it!😱😉
Maybe everyone should be prescribed strips, but have to produce a meter download when they want some more to prove they actually used the last lot? Just an idea - don't hate me for it!😱😉

I'd have no problem with that at all.

I dunno where they get them from, but there's another lot of 100 on offer now as well, current bid ?25.
Yes I suspect at that price they are ripping on the NHS, bastards.

But good news for Alison :D
There are some good bargains strips-wise on eBay but you do have to not wonder where they come from really, as it's obviously not as 'moral' as we'd like.

I got both my monitors from eBay for a very good price 😱

There are some good bargains strips-wise on eBay but you do have to not wonder where they come from really, as it's obviously not as 'moral' as we'd like.

I got both my monitors from eBay for a very good price 😱


Monitors I can understand - they're easy to get hold of for nothing, I have three myself that I didn't pay for and could no doubt get many more just by ringing up the companies or taking up one of their 'special offers'.

I was just wondering, if you are type 2 and get test strips on prescriptions, do you have to pay the prescription charge?

Just wondered if the yearly subscription would be a good half measure because at least then the NHS is re-couping some of the costs, and the patients aren't paying full whack for the strips.


I was just wondering, if you are type 2 and get test strips on prescriptions, do you have to pay the prescription charge?

Just wondered if the yearly subscription would be a good half measure because at least then the NHS is re-couping some of the costs, and the patients aren't paying full whack for the strips.


if you are on medication for the diabetes you should get a medical excemption certificate ie no prescription charge
I have a prescription exemption certificate, if you're on medication you should be able to get one too.
Those regualry selling strips on there I expect are just selling theirs and not using them, but I know someone who sold a couple of packs because they changed meter and would have gone to waste otherwise.
I once sent a pack to type 2 on another forum because I wasn't going to use them.
What an adventure! I just made my first purchase on eBay, 100 test strips for ?27.99. I feel so proud of myself.:D That's two months worth, half price.

Oh no Alison...
I thought you was getting your kit off....😱:D

I had to buy my strips when first diagnosed. Please keep the readings in a diary like I do.

When I saw the doc about follow up to the Metformin I showed her my diary and the improvements I had made (BG, weight and Blood Pressure all lower) and I got strips on prescription!

Also, register your meter with the manufacturers. You'll get free batteries and control solutions. And if it breaks they'll send you a new one.
hooky gear on ebay?? Surely not!

There will be some ligitimate cases no doubt as Nikki explained!

PS Anyone coming to London want some strips?? Do you a deal!!😉

I hope soon something happens and all of us no matter what Type of what doc /area we are in, we got we get what we need!
Oh no Alison...
I thought you was getting your kit off....😱:D

I had to buy my strips when first diagnosed. Please keep the readings in a diary like I do.

When I saw the doc about follow up to the Metformin I showed her my diary and the improvements I had made (BG, weight and Blood Pressure all lower) and I got strips on prescription!

Also, register your meter with the manufacturers. You'll get free batteries and control solutions. And if it breaks they'll send you a new one.

had to laugh at first sentence🙂🙂 , i agree with everything tez says ive had to get control solution twice and its been here next day , x
I registered my meter with Abbott last week when I asked for a connection cable. It was delivered two days later.

Abbott's website is so easy to navigate... Unlike Bayer whose site is s***e, sorry Rossi, I was trying find you some Mac compatible s/w or drivers so you can download your stuff.

No, I'm not getting my kit off till spring, It's far too cold to be wandering around au natural, and besides, I'd scare the horses.:D
Test Strips

I have purchased many packs of test strips from e bay over the past 2 years. Some I managed to get at very good prices. I think that the majority are perhaps from diabetics who have perhaps changed their meter, and others might be surplus to their requirements. Some that I bid on and purchased, were taken off e bay, and I was informed of this action, and if the article had already been sent, I would be able to obtain a refund. I can only summise that perhaps these were not genuine. However, after reading many posts on this wonderful message board, I asked my doctor for three packs a month. After explaining that with the pump it was necessary to test very often to achieve good control, my request was granted. Hurrah!! Thanks to you all for the advice re obtaining the correct amount of testing sticks. I did spend quite a bit of money on e bay, and with on line chemists, but now, of course, it is not necessary!!!
.... However, after reading many posts on this wonderful message board, I asked my doctor for three packs a month. After explaining that with the pump it was necessary to test very often to achieve good control, my request was granted. Hurrah!! Thanks to you all for the advice re obtaining the correct amount of testing sticks. I did spend quite a bit of money on e bay, and with on line chemists, but now, of course, it is not necessary!!!

Glad the forum was able to help ruby! And good to see you posting again - it's been a while since we heard from you!🙂
As a type 1 you should never have had to buy your own strips 😱
Got my strips! Yay. Got carted down to the sorting office this morning to collect them. That was my first ever bid on eBay, I think I could get addicted.:D
yayyy at last hun , least you got them now when your feeling down you cn at least test xx
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