Stressing a bit!

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all!
I've been type 2 & on metformin for 6 years. To try & cut a long story short i had ivf last year but miscarried. my diabetes went horribly wrong- hair falling out etc.. so was put on gliclazide. we want to try ivf again but cant while on that medication. I had to start on insulin yesterday to try & get things under control. I thought this would be temporary but was told I'd be on it forever now- eek!
Apologies for moaning on my first post. Once I settle into it I hope I'll cheer up! Ttfn Nicola xx
Hi Nicola, welcome to the forum 🙂 Hopefully the insulin will help you get good control over your levels so that you can try the ivf again 🙂 Try not to worry, insulin can give you much better control and greater flexibility so in many ways it's not a bad thing. If you need any advice, please do ask - there are lots of friendly folk here who will do their best to help you out 🙂 What insulin are you on?
Hi Nicola & welcome.

It's ok to moan, we all understand 🙂
Welcome to the forum NicolaG 🙂

IVF can be a stressful experience at the best of times and considering that hormones affect blood glucose levels and IVF usually results in shutting down various hormones and then over-driving them and generally sending them haywire!

I hope you have been given lots of test strips!
That's 1 benefit of going on to insulin- I can get my strips on prescription now! (Every cloud and all that!) xx
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