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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,

I'm so stressed at the moment with everything!! Revision, exams, uni, driving and driving test, work as well as trying to get to grips with this whole diabetes thing, which is still a learning curve and today it's all just really got to me :-( I'm so down at the moment, and I had a complete break-down today when I stalled the car during my driving lesson. I just finally snapped and cried a lot!! I just don't know what to do. I'm really trying to just get on with it and not let everything get to me, but recently it's just been really difficult to do so, and to be honest, I don't really know who to talk to about it. So here I am. Telling you. I want to be my old self again. Positive attitude, just dealing with diabetes, but I just can't see the light at the end of the tunnel yet. I know everyone must have their good and bad days. I just seem to be having more bad than good at the moment. Anyone have any advice?!?!

Sorry if I rambled. I just really needed to vent. I hope everyone's ok 🙂

Hi all,

I'm so stressed at the moment with everything!! Revision, exams, uni, driving and driving test, work as well as trying to get to grips with this whole diabetes thing, which is still a learning curve and today it's all just really got to me :-( I'm so down at the moment, and I had a complete break-down today when I stalled the car during my driving lesson. I just finally snapped and cried a lot!! I just don't know what to do. I'm really trying to just get on with it and not let everything get to me, but recently it's just been really difficult to do so, and to be honest, I don't really know who to talk to about it. So here I am. Telling you. I want to be my old self again. Positive attitude, just dealing with diabetes, but I just can't see the light at the end of the tunnel yet. I know everyone must have their good and bad days. I just seem to be having more bad than good at the moment. Anyone have any advice?!?!

Sorry if I rambled. I just really needed to vent. I hope everyone's ok 🙂


Vicki - so sorry to hear it's all getting on top of you! You've got a lot going on as well as the d. One thing I always find that helps me is talking about it so please feel free to rant and rave and ask us loads of questions 🙂

Sorry I can't be more help, I'm rubbish at advice! 🙂
Take some pressure off yourself! Driving and driving lessons are not crucial to your wellbeing. 🙂

Granted, I might not be the best person to suggest that because I have never had a driving lesson and have never driven a car (except on Blackrock sands once!). But I can honestly say that I don't miss not being able to drive.

The other things are more important to you, so just concentrate on those?

Best wishes,

Andy 🙂
It sounds to me as though you have a lot of stressful things going on in your life right now and need to take some me time. I'd take a night off and pamper yourself, get out your favourite DVD, your favourite smellies for the bath, your teddy bear and/or your favourite treat and spoil yourself. Is there someone handy to cuddle up with or just collect a hug from?

As has been said, a good rant in here is a good way to let off steam and we're always here for you.

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hi and hugs and welcome ...i did post a great long reply about taking one thing at a time but it got lost 😱 so welcome anyway and try and slow down or think to a point in time when it will xx🙂
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Hi Vicki

You do have alot on your plate at the moment, I am not suprised you are feeling stressed. How long is it until the exams are over?
Thanks for all the advice 🙂 Feeling quite a lot calmer now, which is very good!

I have semi-devised an action plan in my head now which should help me to feel a lot better about things. Here it goes:-

1) Get a good night's sleep tonight.
2) Revise tomorrow (hopefully outside in the sun!)
3) See the girlies tomorrow night!!!!! Let off steam, watch them eat chocolate and then watch Supernatural!!!
4) Continue with driving until I've done my first driving test. If I pass, great. If I fail, I'll see where my head's at and then decide whether to continue.

Bring on July!!! Exams finish at the end of June. Can't wait. I've finished school in May, and can't wait for my summer to actually start!! I've got so much to look forward to - holiday and my 18th - but at the moment everything else is making it look so far away!

Thanks again guys!! I forget how helpful everyone here is. I just never want to off-load my problems onto others. I tend to keep everything in, but I've definately learnt that it's not a healthy way to deal with things. I felt so much better having posted something on here!! Might have to use this a bit more often 🙂

Vicki x
watching supernatural with mates is generally the way i make myself feel better 🙂
and coming on here now 🙂
good luck with exams and driving
Wow, I can see many similarities.

I'm also one who takes a lot on. Your best option is to offload.

Sometimes (alot of times in my case), speaking to others gives me a perspective I would never be able to see.

You've got a long summer to look forward to, so think of it as an incentive.

The diabetes: Yes we all get challenges, we learnt to cope, we make mistkes, things happen outside of our control, we improve, we get better at coping, that is life.

It's fantastic to see your attitude. Just keep going and good luck.

I luckily managed to pass my driving test first time. Make sure your ready and your sugars are ok. Always carry a sweet thing for emergencies.
Hey Viki,

I know how you feel. I'm in the middle of the last throes of my first year at uni and I definitely know what you're going through. One of my largest problems is admitting that I do occaisionally have a problem. I wish you the best of luck with your A levels, I was only there this time last year and alot of water has gone under the bridge since then. What I find good is exercise, hence I haven't done it since coming to uni! If you want someone to chat to I am happy to send you my e-mail or MSN or Facebook. I finish my exams on Monday and my answer to stress that all has been brought about by everything is to have a lovely few nights out. Beer. Much beer.

Afternoon all 🙂

Feeling sooo much better today!! Got a good nights sleep last night, and am very much looking forward to relaxing with the girls tonight!! Thank you all so much again for all your support!! I know I haven't been on here long, but I can already see that you all are going to be my angels when I have my bad days 🙂

Much love,

Vicki x
hi vicki glad things seem brighter today xx🙂
Only just read your thread but just wanted to say I'm glad your feeling brighter today and I hope you have a lovely time tonight:D. I always find coming in here and venting helps and makes me feel I'm not alone. I hope the rest of your exams go well for you x
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