Stress and pump

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Since i went on pump my bs levels have been really great , but the last week or so they have gone through the roof !!! im not eating much so it must be my stress levels , im having trouble at work , my father in law is very ill and im waiting for an emergency appt at breast clinic . How would you pumpers deal with this would you add extra in the stress part of pump or would you do a temp basal rate ??? Any suggestions greatfully appreciated thanks ~Jenny
Hi Jenny,
Sorry to hear about all your stress. I hope things improve soon for you.
If it were me I would be inclined to use a temp basal rate. You might also find your carb ratio will go up as well.
Jenny, what a nightmare, I hope things brighten up soon. I'd do the same as Sue, temp basal and increased boluses for food if necessary.
Since i went on pump my bs levels have been really great , but the last week or so they have gone through the roof !!! im not eating much so it must be my stress levels , im having trouble at work , my father in law is very ill and im waiting for an emergency appt at breast clinic . How would you pumpers deal with this would you add extra in the stress part of pump or would you do a temp basal rate ??? Any suggestions greatfully appreciated thanks ~Jenny

jenny, sorry for all the stresses on you at the moment. I have set the stress part to +15% (but not used it so far), so that is a guess. That will obviously only give yo extra on your bolus, you could do a low tbr as well, just monitor carefully. Hope those numbers come down for you.
my bloods been very low today hypo 4x it must be all that catch up of insulin from yesterday :(
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