stress and bs levels

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tracey w

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

just wondering if some of you clever uns can explain to me why stress causes such rapid increase in bs levels.

Have had very stressful day today work wise, probably first real stress experienced since diagnosis. woke high at 13, made bacon butties, took insulin but after couple mouthfuls could not eat as was stressed........monitored bs as drive to work try to eat breakfast as worried would drop due to insulin but could not eat.......monitored all day as unable to eat and ranged from 17 - 22!

Finally able to eat at 4pm but was still 17, but was now very now coming down at 11 an hour ago.

Sorry to waffle i havent experienced this so far and would really like to know where the glucose comes from to make you so high if you dont eat. Ok i understand adrenalin cos stressed and liver chucking out glucose etc, but is that it? can the liver really send out that much? and why did my morning insulin not take it down? am confused :confused:

And i know it was due to feeling stressed and nothing else, as feel fine now and coming down again. I did not correct highs because, was at work and had presentation to do and did not want to crash suddenly and also not really been explained how to adjust for this situation....thanks for listening 🙄🙄
Hi Tracy, try this link to an article on the American Diabetes Association web site for a general overview

Form OU course "Living with Diabetes" text p56 "Stress, whether physical or emotional, also raises blood glucose becuase of the actions of the stress hormones adrenalin and cortisol (one of the steroid hormones). Steroid hormones are chemical messengers that occur naturally in the body, or in the case of cortisol, may be prescribed for the treatment of conditions such as asthma or arthritis ..."
Tracey W, found the bit I couldn't locate last night about adrenaline in Hanas and Fox's book on Type 2 Diabetes

1) increases blood glucose by (a) releasing glucose from liver and (b) decreasing uptake of glucose by cells
2) generates ketones by breadking fat down into fatty acids that are transformed into ketones by the liver

All wonderful reactions if you need to get the energy to run from a sabre toothed tiger but not helpful to those of us who don't produce insulin or who are unable to use it properly
Tracey W, found the bit I couldn't locate last night about adrenaline in Hanas and Fox's book on Type 2 Diabetes

1) increases blood glucose by (a) releasing glucose from liver and (b) decreasing uptake of glucose by cells
2) generates ketones by breadking fat down into fatty acids that are transformed into ketones by the liver

All wonderful reactions if you need to get the energy to run from a sabre toothed tiger but not helpful to those of us who don't produce insulin or who are unable to use it properly

Ahh interesting, thanks vanessa. that may explain why my insulin, without food did not decrease my bs level. I will check this out on my dafne course. thanks for your reply.🙂
Ahh interesting, thanks vanessa. that may explain why my insulin, without food did not decrease my bs level. I will check this out on my dafne course. thanks for your reply.🙂

Interesting - so, if I take insulin but then don't feel I can eat to cover it, I have to find something that will stress me out to stop me going hypo! I think I'll have to tape some episodes of the Apprentice - that should do the trick as a standby!:D
But if you watch the Apprencitce, Northerner, you'll probably be so stressed you'll go sky high and then have to go for a run to bring it down again
ive noticed that my sugar levels have been constantly high for about 2 weeks now even if i havent eaten much and have taken my insulin. i dont know if the warmer weather has played a part in it or not?? they were 16.1 yesterday morning, so had my insulin and just had a apple for breakfast, i ended up hardly eating anything all day but still took my insulin and was still high all day?? does'nt make sense to me. today i have suffered by going low carb and my levels havent been above 6 all day!!! i think i will see how long i can last without my usual carb intake.. boo hoo. you really dont realise how many carbs you eat until you take a proper look at your daily intake. any food ideas from low carbers would be appreciated, luckily i like fruit, veg etc
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