Stress and blood sugar levels


Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hi, I haven't been on this forum for ages. I just wondered, does anyone know if stress causes blood sugar levels to rise? A few days ago my husband was diagnosed with cancer, it was a massive shock to both us and I have been totally stressed ever since. And despite barely eating anything my blood sugar levels have been going through the roof - it was 19 this morning after eating 1 slice of toast and taking insulin - it's never normally anything like that. Am not sure what to do about it - the stress is not going away any time soon.
Hi, I haven't been on this forum for ages. I just wondered, does anyone know if stress causes blood sugar levels to rise? A few days ago my husband was diagnosed with cancer, it was a massive shock to both us and I have been totally stressed ever since. And despite barely eating anything my blood sugar levels have been going through the roof - it was 19 this morning after eating 1 slice of toast and taking insulin - it's never normally anything like that. Am not sure what to do about it - the stress is not going away any time soon.
Really sorry to hear about your husband's cancer diagnosis. Yes, stress can have an impact on BG levels. In fact the site has a page on this very subject, which might provide some answers for you:-

Thank you for your reply, Ill have a look at that page.
Really sorry to hear about your husband I know first hand how upsetting it is, my husband was diagnosed with cancer just over 3 years ago, but at the time I had not been diagnosed with diabetes,I was only diagnosed a year ago, but although he is doing very well every time he has to go for a CT scan my BS are higher than normal to begin with I hardly had anything to eat and it made it worse.
Hi, I haven't been on this forum for ages. I just wondered, does anyone know if stress causes blood sugar levels to rise? A few days ago my husband was diagnosed with cancer, it was a massive shock to both us and I have been totally stressed ever since. And despite barely eating anything my blood sugar levels have been going through the roof - it was 19 this morning after eating 1 slice of toast and taking insulin - it's never normally anything like that. Am not sure what to do about it - the stress is not going away any time soon.

I am new to the forum. I am looking for any tips on managing stress related to diabetes decision making at work. Any tips on ways to help would be great.
When I told my dentist that I now had a CGM, he said “check your levels in 30 minutes!” He knows I hate the dentist, nothing personal as he is lovely, and I was amazed when I checked half an hour after leaving. Massive rise afterwards! So yes, stress does affect levels.
hi Lorien,my husband was diagnosed with cancer dec 4th 23,my BG was very high and then he got pneumonia,my husbands is agressive and i don't think the worry and stress will go but i'm trying to get it down at the moment down to 14 after tea,i've started to have the protein shakes twice a day,it keeps it between 6 and 8 but then ater tea it rises.we have to stay strong sometimes i could fall in a heap,