Strange collection of symptoms - uncontrollable sleep 'attacks' hypnogogic jerks constantly cold, dropping things, muscle fatigue....'just' diabetes?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Sorry all, I'm afraid this is a sort of extension to my foot question. Thanks to some very kind help I now have a plan to get that properly investigated. However, I'm struggling with a selection of symptoms: the GP ordered blood tests for thyroid, liver, kidney, heart function, vit B12, foliate and vit D and full blood count. I can see the results and everything has come back normal which is a relief but doesn't explain my symptoms. I have a follow up conversation on Monday and suspect I will be told to wait and see. Problem is this has been going on for about three months and is becoming a problem. I posted about sleepiness and low sugars and received some kind reassurance bit now I'm falling asleep at the drop of z hat at bloods of 5.7 or more. In total I'm just a bit lost and fed up by it all!

I just wondered if any one had had similar experiences or ideas for which way to go next? Thank you, as always, for your time 🙂 .
Could it be a form of seizure? It sounds like something that should be ruled out. Don’t drive while you’re suffering these attacks and do be careful. X
There is both epilepsy and narcolepsy in my family and I’d want both ruled out if it was me.
Hi Inka, thank you, I did wonder about seizure but I don't have any sort of 'hangover' when I wake up. It's really weird, it's totally like a switch being flicked. It really does feel like i imagine narcolepsy does. I do get a brief sort of warning but then I'm flat out asleep. I also dribble terribly (sorry!) during these periods suggesting a loss of muscle tone? I don't lose tone to the point of cataplexy or anything. Ironically, I have real difficulty failing asleep when I actually want to! Thank you for confirming that I'm not over reacting to want to get to the bottom of this!
Absence seizures, for example, don’t give any ‘hangover’. I wouldn’t necessarily rule them out for that reason. An older relative had narcolepsy and they would literally fall asleep with no warning like they were under hypnosis and someone had clicked their fingers. I don’t remember if they drooled because I purposely looked away because I felt awkward.

Have you had an attack in front of anyone? If so, get them to write down what happened in order, even the things that seem trivial. If you’re happy to be video’d when having an attack or jerking then that will be very helpful.
Also, how long are you asleep? Write that down too and keep a diary eg blood sugar 6.5, felt tired, sat down, woke up 20 minutes later or whatever. Write the time and anything you can think of that might be connected or help them see a pattern.
I go through stages of needing to sleep. It's a case of lie down or fall down. From what I understand from listening and talking to other people with neurological conditions it known as the 2 o'clock switch. Mainly because the feeling happens around about 2pm, when this happens I can sleep/doze for about 3 hours sometimes only an hour though.
I just assumed it's due to my MS. Blood sugars are fine so not diabetes related.
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