Storing insulin


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have very recently started Tresiba and Trurapi. I am waking at 12+ which I think is C much too high so will discuss this with the nurse later this week. I think it means I need to use more Tresiba.

I am going to Spain a week today which bus partly why I switched insulins. I am cruising and I know it is going to be very hot. The Trurapi ( and probably the Tresiba) says not to store in the fridge once opened but not to store above 30 degrees. It is currently 32 in Alicante so if I am on deck on a sea day do I need to leave the pen I. My air conditioned cabin and go back when I need it, or can anyone suggest a way of keeping it cold so I can keep it with me without it over heating.

Second question…. I need to take spare pens with me as I have had 3 humalin pens fail from the same pack. I just couldn’t get them to dial
Up a dose. Going to the ship I am going to use a cool bag but coming home I am
Leaving my cabin at 8.30 and do t expect to be home until 4pm. I don’t expect the temp to be as high as Spain and I know the pen lasts for 28 days but I wouldn’t get through 3 spare pens in 28 days. If they have been out of the fridge for 6 hours can they go back in or do I have to dispose of them?
Sorry I see. To have written an essay here!!!
This is a common question.
Firstly, unless you are planning to keep your insulin in direct sunlight, it is unlikely to reach 30 degrees even when the outside temperature is 32. However, if you are concerned, the usual suggestion is to use Frio wallets. These are better than cool bags as they cool the insulin using water evaporation rather than ice packs which risk killing the insulin by making it too cold.
These can also be used for transporting your insulin.
They last a long time, especially, if you only use them when travelling. I bought my Frio wallets more than 15 years ago.

With regards to returning insulin that has been out of the fridge, I have always returned my unopened cartridges to the fridge at the end of a trip. They should last 30 days out of the fridge. So I just deduct the length of time out of the fridge whilst away from 30 days and aim to use it up in this time and use it as the next ones.

You mentioned problems with your pens as reason why you need spares. Firstly, the advice it to always carry at least twice as much of everything diabetes related than you think you need. This allows for failures, loss and lengthened stays.
Secondly, I recommend requesting reusable pens. These are more robust, the cartridges take up less space in your fridge (and luggage when travelling) and produce less waste. Make sure you have request spare pens. Trurapi and Tresiba need different types of pen as the cartridges are not universal.

Finally, have a wonderful trip.
Thank you for your very comprehensive reply. I think I a. Going to get a frio wallet as I do travel quite a bit. I have a reusable pen for the Tresiba. I was originally prescribed novorapid and a reusable pen but apparently that is too expensive so I was given Trurapi instead… although not before I got the prescription for a novo6 pen and ten cartridges of novorapid! I will ask about reusable for Trurapi as I hate the plastic waste it creates!
Thanks again
When I’m in hot places I would tend to leave the ‘in use’ insulin in a cool room where possible, and keep it out of direct sun when it’s with me. (eg centre of a backpack in the shade, rather than an outer pocket etc)

I have a Frio which is great on camping trips. But I’d use that for storing spare mostly.

I also have a habit of marking the ‘spare’ insulin that I’ve taken but haven't used (a Sharpie is quite handy), so that when that insulin is later used I know that it’s already spent some time out of the fridge.

Have a wonderful time away!
I store my insulin pens in the in my opinion that's the place for them.
I store my insulin pens in the in my opinion that's the place for them.
Two questions
- does that include “in use” pens? The instructions for use is to keep in use pens out of the fridge. Otherwise they can sting when injected.
- how do you transport insulin. Do you carry a fridge with you whenever you leave the house, including when going on holiday.
Just a note about frios, get a bigger one than you think. They are brilliant and I bought one for 2 pens for a camping trip. Kept the insulin perfectly but, they were such a tight fit I couldn't get them out! Just as well I didn't need them. Had to wait 2 days after my return for some of the crystals to dry to get them out.
Just a note about frios, get a bigger one than you think. They are brilliant and I bought one for 2 pens for a camping trip. Kept the insulin perfectly but, they were such a tight fit I couldn't get them out! Just as well I didn't need them. Had to wait 2 days after my return for some of the crystals to dry to get them out.
Thanks I will bear that in mind.
Just a note about frios, get a bigger one than you think. They are brilliant and I bought one for 2 pens for a camping trip. Kept the insulin perfectly but, they were such a tight fit I couldn't get them out! Just as well I didn't need them. Had to wait 2 days after my return for some of the crystals to dry to get them out.
That suggests you “over charged” the wallets by soaking them for too long. As they work by evaporation, you do not have to worry about them soaking up as much water as possible to get as thick as possible. And as they just need water to “recharge” you can top them up whilst camping. It’s not as if they need ice cold water.
In other words, a wallet that Frio says fits two pens will easily fit two pens. You do not need an extra large wallet.