Store security alarms

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've noticed over the last couple of months that I seem to be triggering store security alarms - when I go in and out of stores! The security guy at Tesco now knows me so ignores the alarm but got a really snotty look from the staff at Matalan today.
Does this affect anyone else (I'm on the Accu-Chek Spirit Combo) and what can I do to stop it? I'm not shop-lifting! Honest!😡
Seems strange - other similar devices don't trigger alarms (I'm thinking about the mobile phones that I've noticed some people appear to carry around these days 😉) I'll be interested to hear if it happens to anyone else (I'm not a pumper)
When I was an apprentis I used to fit those systems in C&A (long time ago). How often has this happened ? I believe your not lifting :D I am sure the manager does not want this to happen to his shop. It has never happened to me & I would have a word with him. Good luck 🙂
Some odd things can triggers those alarms that use magnetic strips, library books are a big one and I used to set off the alarm in one shop every time with my magnetic multi tool in my handbag (yes I carry a Swiss army knife and a magnetic multi tool in my handbag 🙂). Is there anything on the pump, like a belt or other attachments that's magnetic? Just a thought 🙂
My daughter has the Combo and we've never yet had this problem, could it be something else in your bag?

The only time I've ever set off the alarm in Tesco it turned out to be a pack of batteries in my bag which had a security sticker on the side from another shop. Which I thought the store assistant had disabled when I left the shop. The silly thing is, I'd used the batteries and for some reason the empty pack was left in my bag, hadn't got round to putting it in the bin I guess. It had been in my bag for several days and hadn't set off any alarms anywhere else!

Needless to say after that it went in the bin as soon as I got home :D
Well done Kooky, You sound like the person you want with you in an emergency ! 🙂
If this had happened at only 1 store, I wouldn't mind too much but it's happened at several different stores. Perhaps I'll have to start experimenting and leave my pump in the car for 10 mins!
I don't carry much in my bag apart from purse, meter, phone and keys. I hate carrying a big bag! 😱

Kookycat - I like the sound of your bag though! 🙂 I just use the plastic clip that was provided with my pump and know it's not magnetic.
If its doing in different stores that's a different thing. I still would have a word with the manager at a quiet time 🙂
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