Stopping metformin - did you stop all at once or taper?

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Staff member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I just spotted this question, which intrigued me, but I felt it was a bit hidden.

So for any members who successfully took Metformin, and found it helpful, but then reached a point where it was no longer needed… did you gradually reduce your dose in stages, or were you advised to just stop completely all at once.

This was the thread

Does anyone have any experiences to share to help @Anji53 ? 🙂
Cold turkey for me.

I think generally if you get to the point where it's no longer useful, there isn't much reason to taper off rather than just drop. No withdrawal symptoms etc.
I started on 1000mg, but was told to reduce it to 500mg when hba1c was 36.
Next hba1c was 39, and during a medication review the GP said 'there's a case for stopping Metformin to see what happens'. I said as I have no side effects, and it's supposed to have other benefits, then I might as well keep on it.
Next hba1c was 36 six months ago, but haven't had a message to set up a review or visit the nurse for a check up...

I have stopped Metformin for around 3 weeks, and didn't really see much of a change in readings.

I'd be interested in hearing from people who've stopped a low dose.

From the papers and studies I've read, it seems that a low dose can have a slight effect, but also if you don't need it then it won't do anything. A full dose only has modest effects.
Been testing each morning since the metformin was stopped, this morning my reading was 5.6 ( that’s the highest I’ve had since I stopped ) the lowest I’ve had is 5.2. I didn’t test before so can’t compare
haven’t taken any metformin for ten days now. Hope BG doesn’t keep going up
I am eating low carb etc A little stressed at the moment as husband had open heart surgery last Thursday. Went well fingers crossed but I’m obviously under more stress than normal.
review set for 3 months
Cold turkey for me.

I think generally if you get to the point where it's no longer useful, there isn't much reason to taper off rather than just drop. No withdrawal symptoms etc.
I await my next Hba1c and review with great interest. Each year I ask the nurse why I am still on 4tabs metformin, the response is 'if it ain't broke don't fix it' . Not a very satisfactory response to me. Any further discussion isn't very helpful. I suspect GP looks at my hba1c result and thinks , 'oh good let's carry on with this'.and nurse doesn't want to get in a discussion about any reductionn of tabs and upset the GP. Sigh
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