Stomach Bloated/swollen

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Not sure if this is the right place to post but I have searched to see of there's already a thread without success.
Over the past few months my stomach has swollen and I feel bloated a lot. My diabetes is fairly well managed but after a quick Google search I have found it could be linked. Does anybody have any experience on this?
Bowels are fairly normal but the bloated is starting to effect my mental health with people commenting about me getting fat etc.
When did you last have a coeliac screen @Hooky93 ? That can cause bloating. I think it would be worth speaking to your GP just to get some obvious things ruled out.
As far as I'm aware I've never had one its pretty much impossible to get an appointment at my GP surgery
hi, i am the same. my stomach has really swollen and i dont know what to do.started about 2 months ago and i cant find a reason for it. my eating is always the same.
The NHS recommends that you make an appointment with your GP if you're experiencing any of the following:-
  • you've been feeling bloated for 3 weeks or more
  • you feel bloated regularly (more than 12 times a month)
  • you've tried changing your diet but keep feeling bloated
  • you have a swelling or lump in your tummy
  • you have bloating along with being sick, diarrhoea, constipation, weight loss or blood in your poo
  • you find it difficult to move or do daily activities because you’re bloated
thanks. will phone them monday but its very hard to get an appointment with doc. its usually about 2 month wait.
thanks. will phone them monday but its very hard to get an appointment with doc. its usually about 2 month wait.
Sometimes a change in diet will alter your gut bacterial balance which can cause wind/bloating. Have you tried some probiotic yoghurt or you can get capsules of probiotics for gut health.
But agreed you should get checked out.
There are 2 schools of thoughts on probiotics, I have been successful once in correcting IBS, but the second time around no joy. Under a Gastro specialist I'm advised not to take probiotics!
If you are worse case then you will need to take a prebiotic for the probiotic to live on while it gets established, or your just feeding the existing flora, yeast based enzymes, which becomes even stronger and more difficult to deal with.
Twelve years of bland foods, restricted diets and a wealth of experience with stomach problems and still the only thing I know for sure, trust your gut feelings! When something is not right get onto it.
I believed in my last 5 Dr's and now I find I have Autonomic polyneuropathy and not just IBS. Just took one new proactive Dr and off to ED. Seven hours later we know the cause of my problems. Previous Dr's hadn't been paying attention and I now suffer the results.
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