stiplaglipton and metformin


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've been on stiplaglipton for about a month now and before the pills I use to get a little sore stomach. Now my stomach is very sore and I get acid reflux/ heartburn and dhiarea.

I've spoke to the dr who is going to do a stool sample and inflammation markers in my blood tests.

I'm so scared incase it's pancreatitis as it says these pills can cause it, however after 3 weeks of this pain I don't think I would be alive if it was that. The dr doesn't think it is that as it flares up when I have dhiarea etc. I don't know what to do for the best as don't want to just stop the pills because I'm sure this was happening before I was even on them. Plus metformin causes this too so maybe it's that. I'm on the slow release ones as well and they did cause this from time to time but it seems every day for past 3 weeks this has been getting worse and worse.
Just follow the drs advice and have the test and await results
Try not to worry I had same issues and the pain got bad for me. I was transferred to DSN who advised that it was my pancreas struggling not working. So the tablets tried to make it work which was causing the pain….. all oral medication stopped and I was put on long acting insulin and rapid for when eat carbs. Bloods now much lower and pain not there. Been on this since April now. Perhaps ask to be referred as my Dr just kept changing drugs which wasn’t working for me anyway.
Yeah I've been trying to tell them pills aren't working as for past 2 years my hbc1a has been either 110 or 95. My problem is I can't walk due to diabetic new so exercise is hard for me. I really hope it isn't my pancreas though and the pain seems to be right side of my belly button. Gavascon helps a little.

I have to try and eat less csrbs as I normaly have a lot.
Yeah I've been trying to tell them pills aren't working as for past 2 years my hbc1a has been either 110 or 95. My problem is I can't walk due to diabetic new so exercise is hard for me. I really hope it isn't my pancreas though and the pain seems to be right side of my belly button. Gavascon helps a little.

I have to try and eat less csrbs as I normaly have a lot.
Some people find if they still eat a lot of carbs with metformin it gives problems, I'm afraid oral medication can only do so much and it still needs reduction in carbs. Those are still very high HbA1C levels. Do you have a home testing monitor so you can see what your current diet is doing to your blood glucose levels.
Exercise helps but not as much as diet.
You pain really does need investigation.
What are you typically eating?
I have shreddies at breakfast as the dietician says that's what I should have.

I skip lunch a lot of time but if I don't I usually have a microsoft meal.

Night time usually chicken coujons, mince and tatties, spaghetti, fish fingers etc.

I try only having a fistful of potatoes and have changed to a baked potato.

My problem is I can't stand the texture and taste of vegetables. Also I'm on anti psychotic pills at night that make me eat so much junk food like crisps etc. I've asked 6 times for them to take me off them or change it but the mental health team ignore it and my GP has given up asking them.
I don't have a monitor at home as my ocd makes it a nightmare if I see high numbers and makes me test like 40 times a day due to the obsessional side of the disease.

I agree I need to get this investigated as it flares up bad at night for some reason. I get bloated then acid reflux starts. Then I have bad wind and burping, if I take gaviscon it helps a little but not much.
Afternoon Marco.
I echo Lucy’s advice to follow Drs recommendation and get tested as none of us here are qualified to give you specific advice.
The site of the pain you describe does not strike me as being pancreas related so your fears may not be confirmed but I simply don’t know.
Are you on any other medications such as NSAIDs as possible it could be related to those are you on Omeprazole.
I am on omeprazole but a low doze. No other NSAIDS.
I take the following though.

1000 metformin
6mg glimiperide
100 stiplaglipton
225 venlafaxine
10mg Nitrazepam
50mg quitiapene
I am on omeprazole but a low doze. No other NSAIDS.
I take the following though.

1000 metformin
6mg glimiperide
100 stiplaglipton
225 venlafaxine
10mg Nitrazepam
50mg quitiapene
That is certainly a bunch of meds, could be some are reacting with others. Can you ask for a pharmacists review as they may be more knowledgeable about any interaction.
I could ask but they normaly don't tell me anything. They aren't too helpful here. I do notice that when I take my metformin at night that it gets worse so could be that.

I'm hoping my sugars have come down a bit as get bloods in a week.
I could ask but they normaly don't tell me anything. They aren't too helpful here. I do notice that when I take my metformin at night that it gets worse so could be that.

I'm hoping my sugars have come down a bit as get bloods in a week.
Can you try a reduced dose of metformin as some people find that they tolerate 500mg but once the dose is increased it causes problems.

My other half was taking a whole bunch of medications for different things but was getting palpitations so did some exclusion tests and narrowed it down to one particular one which he stopped taking.
Yeah I could and that would see if it was that. Then I can talk with my diabetic nurse. I get palpitations from all my pills and my heart rate is always between 90 and 110. Racing in the mornings though.