Still no decision

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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
I've just been to the surgery and a long chat with the doctor. They've put me back on Gliclazide (as well as the Sitagliptin) in the short term and the doctor is going to get together with the DSN to discuss putting me on Byetta. They took me off the statin too just in case that's been complicating things and then, they're talking about giving me either a Mirena coil or a contraceptive implant to try and ease the menopausal probs I'm apparently having. Finally, I'm to have the antibody tests done again to see how well/badly my pancreas is actually functioning.

I know some of you are on Byetta, how does it work for you? Has it helped?
Alison hi you should come onto the byetta babes thread hun we often go in there to discuss things, but from my personal experience it has been my saviour it has worked wonders for me and has brought my hbA down to the lowest it has ever been since diagnosis, it works by curbing the appetite thus making you feel fuller,my portion sizes have come down some what and often i leave food on my plate, also as far as weight loss is concerned im lost guesstimate of 18lb or a little less and ive only been on byetta since April.

Good luck with the tests xx
Sorry things are still unclear Alison :( Hopefully the antibody tests will clarify the situation and give them some idea of progress or otherwise since you last had them done. Surprised they put you on gliclizide again though, given the hypo problems you had before.
I know Northe, but it's only temporary while they figure out what to do next. The Sitagliptin on it's own isn't enough and for some reason they don't want to put me on a regular insulin regime while I still have some pancreatic function. Byetta seems like the best option to them, since they're still looking at me as more Type 2 than Type 1 for treatment purposes. I don't really care what they do as long as it works.
Hi there I am another of the folk on Byetta and it has changed my life. I would say its well worth giving it a try. By the way I also have a mirena coil and it did the trick beautifully.
The doctor just called and the decision is...

There is no decision. Instead I'm being referred to a diabetic specialist at the clinic to decide if it's worth trying Byetta or if I should pass Go and head straight to insulin. I don't know how long this is going to take. Weeks probably.
The doctor just called and the decision is...

There is no decision. Instead I'm being referred to a diabetic specialist at the clinic to decide if it's worth trying Byetta or if I should pass Go and head straight to insulin. I don't know how long this is going to take. Weeks probably.

Dear me Alison what a long drawn out process this is turning out to be hun, hope its sooner rather then later x
Dear me Alison what a long drawn out process this is turning out to be hun, hope its sooner rather then later x

Me too, but I'd rather they get it right than put me through something like that Lactic Acidosis again.
Hope you don't have to wait too long. At least they are sending you to a specialist. Let's hope some good decisions are made for you. All the best.x
I know that yep seeing the diabetic consultant is going to delay a decission on what treatment regime might be best for you.. But at last they've sending to the right people so once they should soon be sorted...

As to Byetta my friend was put on this in the summer, and well it has made such a change to her indeed...

She's faired really well starting it, and was lucky with only very mimiumal sickness side-effect... It has worked wonders for her blood glucose and actually limited her food intake, which was one of the major problems causing almost all her control problems she was suffering...
Alison hi you should come onto the byetta babes thread hun we often go in there to discuss things, but from my personal experience it has been my saviour it has worked wonders for me and has brought my hbA down to the lowest it has ever been since diagnosis, it works by curbing the appetite thus making you feel fuller,my portion sizes have come down some what and often i leave food on my plate, also as far as weight loss is concerned im lost guesstimate of 18lb or a little less and ive only been on byetta since April.

Good luck with the tests xx

wow...can anyone get on Byetta?? I need something to suppress my appetite and help me lose weight...i can eat for england!
oh no, that's a shame! you guys get all the good drugs! lol suppose I'll have to stick to the running!

rofl@we get all the good drugs i dont know how to take the one lol 😉
rofl@we get all the good drugs i dont know how to take the one lol 😉

haha i just don't see in all the developments this world has made in technology, how it hasn't made something that helps anyone lose weight (if you're not classified as very overweight) in a safe way.

i now am out the house for 13 hours a day for work and travelling and trying to fit in exercise when I get home is near impossible a consequence the weight just keeps piling on :(
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