still angry,

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi Everyone.

Boy oh boy am i steaming , i took all your advise on this problem i had with my diabetic team, and them not supplying me with a meter, i also took northeners advice, and got myself a free meter, which came today.

I phoned my surgery today and spoke to one of the doctors in the practise(not mine, she is on holiday at the moment) He told me that i was wrong to get myself a monitor, that i did not need one as i was diet only, and it would serve no purpose. i tried to explain to him that the reason i had got it was for peace of mind, following my seizure, but he would not listen, and that the lancets and test strips i needed would not be supplied by them, even though i get free prescriptions, and am on a low income. He spoke to me like i was a five year old.

then he got one of the diabetic nurses to ring me, she told me the same information, and i told her how angry i was with the doctor for treating me like an idiot, and not listening to the things i was trying to explain.or how scared i am feeling, they seem to believe that i won't ever have another seizure, but thats crazy no one can say that can they?

I feel totally let down by the whole lot of them, and if i could change surgeries i would.

Thankyou all so much for letting me ramble on and thanks for all the advise you have all given me, its nice to know you all care.
Recycle queen
It's so unfair that you are being treated this way - you are right to be angry. How are you supposed to know if any changes to your diet are making things better or making them worse?! It's unbelievable. I reckon that your next step has to be your local councillor or MP and/or the papers..


Time to phone round the local surgeries, find one that will prescribe strips for you and change.

In the meantime put all this in writing in the form of a formal complaint to your current surgery. Even if for whatever reasons you are staying there, the complaint has to be dealt with. In the complaint what I would do is quote the NICE guidelines and attach a copy with the appropriate bits hi-lighted and ask them for a good reason why they are going against the Governments guidelines, and tell them what they have told you is not good enough reasons.

I would also put what you have written in this message, how let down you feel and how scared you are and each person with type 2 diabetes is different and you cannot tar them all with the same brush, some will need sticks and some don't.

Anyway that is what I would do. Just a thought.
I'm very cross for you.
Oh my god!! hearing that has made me SO angry, have they forgotten about the money you save the surgery/the nhs by being diet controlled? you of all people deserve strips! more than any type 1 or 2 using expensive medication.(myself included!)😡 of all people deserve strips! more than any type 1 or 2 using expensive medication.(myself included!)😡

Not true. It would be dangerous for someone on insulin not to test...

recyclequeen I really hope you get somewhere with this, the advice Adrienne has given you sounds like very good ideas to me 🙂
You have been treated badly, write a letter of complaint to the practice manager and then contact your Primary Care Trust or local health authority and see if there is another doctor near you so that you can change doctors.

I thought my doctor was bad, but yours sounds far worse. Good luck and I hope you get everything you want and need.
Sorry to hear you are going through this. I really don't understand how difficult it is to individually assess each person. I hope you get some success.

I agree with Katies point that it is dangerous for anyone on insulin to not be testing.
I agree, i was just making the point that by controlling her diabetes by diet alone she is saving the nhs a fortune and deserves a few strips! sorry if it didnt come out right, it WAS late! (-;
Contact your local PALS - Patient Advisory and Liaison Service. That should sort them out.
another case of postcode health care...i have NO problems at all with my surgegy come mines so good whilst others gp care give this kind of confusing information?
good luck take the advice of the others on this thread...what gets me is why does it have to be so difficult ?
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