Stigma of obesity 'lingers after weight loss'

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
?No matter how much weight you?ve lost, your friends still think of you as fat,? according to the Daily Mail. The newspaper has reported new research showing that overweight women and women who have slimmed down are seen as less attractive than those who had always been slim.

The research analysed the views of 273 student volunteers who were asked to judge different descriptions of the same fictional 31-year-old woman whose weight details had been subtly altered in each one. These descriptions were designed to assess attitudes to both current weight and past weight, to see whether individuals who lose a large amount of weight are regarded negatively. The researchers found that slim people who had lost weight in the past attracted higher ratings of stigma than those who were currently slim but had maintained a stable weight in their lifetime.
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