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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Does anyone have any experience of being on steroids as a type 1?

I keep on getting chest infections and the nurse has just said, "I don't think you need steroids" She's put me on antibiotics as I'm really feeling poorly and have a very high temperature. I had steroids once and they made my sugar so high that I only took the one dose. Even then my sugar was high for 2 days! Despite pouring insulin in!

Everytime I get ill I dread being put on steroids and I wondered if anyone has used any that have not caused high blood sugar - at least I'd have a bit of info behind me should the situation arise again.

Thanks folks, Karen.x
The only experience I have kinda is that my mum was put on steriods while pregnant with me and my twin and we are both now diabetic yet my younger sister isnt and so far has not showed any symptoms.

Docs think its the steriods that might have upped our chances of developing diabetes.

Sorry its not much help lol.
My doc wont give me steriods because of my diabetes.
Can't help much, but I do hope you are feeling better. See how you go with the anibiotics and if you feel no better in a couple of days go back and see what else is on offer.
My surgery is very good but just dont "get it" when I say "no" to steroids. Thanks for your good wishes, I've only had about 4 weeks of being well so far this year with one problem and another. Had a dental abscess and then, after having tooth removed ended up with an infection in the bone! So painful, then a chest infection, and now another one, think my immunity is shot to pieces.
I was given steroids while pregnant to help the babies lung development. I'm on a pump, and ended up having to run my basal rate at 400% for about 4 days (I got 2 doses of betamethazone, 24 hours apart).

I hope I never have to take steroids again, it was a nightmare so you definitely have my sympathy!
My surgery is very good but just dont "get it" when I say "no" to steroids. Thanks for your good wishes, I've only had about 4 weeks of being well so far this year with one problem and another. Had a dental abscess and then, after having tooth removed ended up with an infection in the bone! So painful, then a chest infection, and now another one, think my immunity is shot to pieces.

Have you been tested for anemia? Being anemic makes you more prone to getting infections.
Have you been tested for anemia? Being anemic makes you more prone to getting infections.

very true I am anemic and very prone to infections of all kinds *run away from me * lol
Do they test for anaemia on the full blood count thingy they do once a year? I don't know whether I've been checked for that but thanks for mentioning it. I do know that I've had some "odd" results of late such as a low sodium one and then a slightly high potassium - maybe it would be worth asking for another blood test next time I see my doc.
They have to do a full blood count to test for anemia which isn't usually a routine test.
Thanks everyone for your replies. Sorry I've been missing for a few days but I developed DKA last Friday as a result of all these infections I keep getting. Major panic and urgent drs visit, 2 days compassionate leave for my hubby and testing day and night. Dr said that the only reason she wasn't admitting me was because I'm sensible enough to manage my condition and the ketones weren't any higher (they were moderate when I tested but due to a ton of extra insulin weren't too bad when dr tested. It's been a long week of hassle. Ketones have still put in an appearance in smaller amounts but I've been able to jump on them straight away. I'm on a different antibiotic now as dr reckons I have bronchitis. Today I've felt a bit better. Thanks again for all your replies. Karen.xx
Aw Karen, you're really going through it aren't you? I do hope that, now Spring has put in an appearance, you can put all these horrible things behind you and rebuild your strength.
Why are they putting you on steroids for a chest infection? They won't do anything to fight infections, other than possibly reduce any inflammation. In addition, long term use of steroids can cause any of the following side effects: hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, anxiety, depression, gastritis, colitis, hypertension, ictus, erectile dysfunction, hypogonadism, hypothyroidism, amenorrhoea, retinopathy.

Long term use of steroids for eczema and adrenal insufficiency are part of the reason I'm in this mess now. You need to have a discussion with your doctor asap.

Oh yes, I hope you feel better soon.
They put me on them once before. I think it's cos I have asthma and if they don't think I have a chest infection they recommend steroids to help my chest. Even my GP, a so called diabetic expert, is all for them! He said to me on Monday "I don't think you need steroids" I thought - "you mad man!" I'm just recovering from DKA and you would even contemplate putting me on steroids. Doctors eh?
I hope your better now, or at least on the mend xx
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