Steroids and BGs

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I had an asthma attack yesterday and dr thinks I may have pleurisy as I was struggling to breathe so have been put on strong antibiotics and steroids. Since starting the steroids my BG's have been around 18+ and I cannot get them down :(

I know I have to take the steroids but the high BG's are making me feel even more poorly.

Moan over, sorry, just feels better to share sometimes!
Hi newbs sorry to hear about your hi BGS that really is a bummer i hate it when i got that high it makes me feel so rough.
Can i just ask what is pluerisy? thanks

p.s dont apologise for moaning hun thats why this place is here and us of course for you to share it with x
Hi, pleurisy is inflammation of the lungs, really painful when you breathe in and the lung kind of rubs together (my dr's explanation).
Unfortunately both antibiotics and steroids do raise blood glucose as I have found out from past experience. Whilst on these drugs you will have to increase your insulin temporarily until you have finished the course, I had to increase my insulin by a third last time I was on steroids, and just be careful for a day or two after your last tablet as they will still be active in your system and could still raise your bg. Drinking plenty of water is also advisable. Toby.
Steroids are horrible things for upsetting blood sugar levels, plus the fact that levels are often raised anyway due to being ill. I had an awful game when I took them and had to stop after one day. I hope they've given you plenty of test strips so you can keep an eye on things. Get well soon.
Steroids generally do odd things to your metabolism, which boosts your immune system and helps you fight infection. They may very well increase the ammount of glycogen your liver throws out and maybe what your pancreas does (sorry can't recall if you are a 1 or a 2), are you on steroids long term? If not keep an eye on things and expect your BS to come down when you finish your course, if you are long term then you could mention this effect to your doc and get a temporary increase to your meds/insulin. Hope you feel better soon.

No, I'm not on them long term, have a 5-day course. My BG is 23.5 now 😱, the highest I can ever remember being. I don't have ketostix either, should probably get some tomorrow if possible.

Thanks for your replies.
I should definitely get some ketostix asap and if you feel ill overnight get advice from local out of hours team. Look after yourself. Karen.xx
In fact if you can get to your local out of hours centre it might be an idea to see if they can let you have a few ketostix to tide you over for the night. Very remiss of your dr not to think of this for you.
Steroids can have that effect unfortunately. If it persists perhaps you can speak to your doctor about a non-steroid form of anti-inflammatory, there are some available. Tell him how high your bloods are getting and stress how ill it's making you feel.

Are you feeling any better this morning? I hope you're getting plenty of rest and fluids.
Newbs. Test regularaly as I found that as well as the highs, there were lots of unexpected lows too when taking the anti's.
Hi everyone. I spoke to DN this morning who was amazed that I didn't have ketostix, I've never needed them before though. She said to always test if BS 15 or above. I then spoke to my gp and he left me a prescription out immediately so that was good. I managed to get my BS down overnight, 6.6 upon waking. Have been ok most of the day by adding a 3rd to my usual insulin but just tested now and I'm 20.2. Got the ketostix so will test later. Steroids are working though as I feel a bit better today, only 2 more days of steroids to go thankfully!
Am glad to hear back from you, have been wondering all day how you have been. You are doing really well and deserve a medal! Glad you have the ketostix now. All the best.
Hi everyone. I spoke to DN this morning who was amazed that I didn't have ketostix, I've never needed them before though. She said to always test if BS 15 or above. I then spoke to my gp and he left me a prescription out immediately so that was good. I managed to get my BS down overnight, 6.6 upon waking. Have been ok most of the day by adding a 3rd to my usual insulin but just tested now and I'm 20.2. Got the ketostix so will test later. Steroids are working though as I feel a bit better today, only 2 more days of steroids to go thankfully!

Good news that the steroids are working fine, just a shame about the 20.2 reading after this mornings excellent reading. The steroids really do screw-up control, just keep testing and increasing insulin accordingly, I found adding correction doses was the norm last time I was on steroids and the only way I could keep reasonable control. Toby.
Just tested for ketones and it was trace, guess that's normal at this level and will go when my blood sugar drops down again? Not sure what ketone reading would require medical help - medium/high I assume.

It's difficult to explain to people why things are so difficult when you have diabetes and medicines collide etc. Work don't really understand, all they saw was me with a cold/asthma so don't really understand what all the fuss is about. Have requested me to go in tomorrow, which I will do as I do feel a bit better, but sometimes you just wish that people without diabetes could understand for 5 minutes!
Just tested for ketones and it was trace, guess that's normal at this level and will go when my blood sugar drops down again? Not sure what ketone reading would require medical help - medium/high I assume.

It's difficult to explain to people why things are so difficult when you have diabetes and medicines collide etc. Work don't really understand, all they saw was me with a cold/asthma so don't really understand what all the fuss is about. Have requested me to go in tomorrow, which I will do as I do feel a bit better, but sometimes you just wish that people without diabetes could understand for 5 minutes!

Tell me about it Newbs, I've had some issues with people today who simply don't have a clue. Makes me rage sometimes! As to the ketones, just keep an eye on them. If they go above a trace I would be concerned. A trace, in the circs is probably to be expected but keep testing. Mine went up to medium earlier in the year due to chest infection/bronchitis and I was told to test every time I went to the loo. I also had a load of extra insulin and told to drink plenty to flush it all through. Ring the health team if you are at all unsure.xx
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