Stephen Redgrave

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Their liitle box of facts is incorrect - it says there are 1.4 million people with diabetes in the UK - it's actually well over 2 million with another 500,000 possibly undiagnosed.

It's an incredible achievment of Sir Steve's - to win a fifth gold so soon after diagnosis and he was no longer a young man either (for an athlete!). I wonder if he paid for his pump, or if he was given one on the NHS? I read a while ago that he found it impossible to train using MDI (because of the demands of the training and diet) so maybe he qualified because of that.
I thought it was a good interview, he is one of the people that everyone knows he has diabetes so his dripping of information must be working.

Julie x
Their liitle box of facts is incorrect - it says there are 1.4 million people with diabetes in the UK - it's actually well over 2 million with another 500,000 possibly undiagnosed.

It's an incredible achievment of Sir Steve's - to win a fifth gold so soon after diagnosis and he was no longer a young man either (for an athlete!). I wonder if he paid for his pump, or if he was given one on the NHS? I read a while ago that he found it impossible to train using MDI (because of the demands of the training and diet) so maybe he qualified because of that.

lol id like to know that to as i dont find mdi give me to many problems when training for the ironman
forgot to add the guy is a hero of mine anyway lol i love what he has done in his life 🙂
p.s his name is steven not stephen lol
I went to school with Steve Redgrave. It was junior school. He also opened the Diabetes clinic at the Hospital, that one that my GP wont refer me to. Oh dear I must not get on my soap box again.
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