Stealth hypo!

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I just had a 'stealth hypo' - that's when you don't have a clue that you are low, but you just decide to test and see that you are...2.8😱 Then all of a sudden you get all the symptoms!

Have shovelled in an appropriate amount of babies (of the jelly variety!😉)
i know what you mean, it's like when you cut yourself and it does't hurt until you see the blood.
I had one of those earlier, 2.1 and didn't feel it 😱 nasty diabetes fairy isn't playing nicely today!
Glad you explained there Northey what that meant i had no clue. hope you are ok soon, i know you know how to handle your hypos but keep the post updated on your levels.
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My son R got one of those after playing on the Wii - 1.8 and he felt fine. He says he likes one aspect of Type 1 - the bit where I'm saying, "Quick! Eat some sweets!" 😉
Hi Heidi,

I was diagnosed when I was 9 and I used to like that aspect as well.

I used to fake the hypo symptoms or just tell my mum that I was feeling hypo just so that I could have something sweet to eat.

This was in the days before home BG meters or test strips - so my mum couldn't check my levels.
Yes, I'm getting wise to his pleas of 'I feel ill - I need to eat sweets, not dextrose tablets. This requires proper sweets'

Hey, there's got to be some benefits! 🙂
Hehe stealth hypo was it dressed all in black? It is weird when that happens. Eating babies 😱 I'm keeping jessica away from you :D
Hi Heidi,

I was diagnosed when I was 9 and I used to like that aspect as well.

I used to fake the hypo symptoms or just tell my mum that I was feeling hypo just so that I could have something sweet to eat.

This was in the days before home BG meters or test strips - so my mum couldn't check my levels.

Hi Red,
so when did you first start using meters ? In the early 80s ?
Hi Peter,

the first home BG testing was by using BM strips (I think that's what they were called). You put a drop of blood on a test strip, left it for one minute before wiping it off. You then left it for another minute before comparing the strip against a colour chart to get the result. The chart had strange intervals, something like 2.3, 4.1, 6.7, 9.3 mmols etc.This would have been around 1981 as I was in my first years of secondary school.

I got my first electronic meter in the late 80's, very early 90's. It was a medisense (abbott) meter. It took a large amount of blood and about 30 seconds to give a result.

How things change.

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