{*stays in bed all day*}

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Much missed Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
{*Thinking about cake, just feeling tired and it's ...*}
Sorry you are feeling down Ralph :( Hope you are feeling a little brighter soon {{{HUGS}}}
Just seen your profile comment Ralph. Sorry you're feeling so flat. Is it just the diabetic restrictions or life in general? Christmas can create these feelings in many of us, it's not all ho ho ho!

Hope you can rally round soon and feel much brighter.
Feeling tired all the time (woolly/foggy headed). Found out that hospital has discounted sleep apnoea & been dischareged some time ago. (Slightly down on a vitamin. No further investigations are being done.)

Symptoms from heart condition are worse.

No money.

Another year older and another year as a diabetic.

And no one to talk to about any of it.

And 42 (hhgg).
We're not going anywhere Ralph, so you're always welcome to come here and let off steam if you need to 🙂 I know it's not the same as having someone there to have a good old chinwag with, but it can help if you're feeling a bit isolated, especially at this time of year. I'll be on my own again, but I'll be popping in here regularly 🙂
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