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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hey, just wondering if those of you on statins have suffered any side effects? I am just researching them a little as I ma be suffering with them myself. I would appreciate as much info as possible. Thanks in advance, Hemase.

Its not how hard we hit, itshow hard we can get hit and keep moving forward.
Hey, just wondering if those of you on statins have suffered any side effects? I am just researching them a little as I ma be suffering with them myself. I would appreciate as much info as possible. Thanks in advance, Hemase.

I started Simvistatin (40mg) 2 weeks ago and so far have had no side effects. I am keeping a close eye on it as it is still early days. My hubby and father have both taken it for years and have had no side effects, but everybody is different.
I stated simvastatin (40mg) in November and have had no real side effects that I know of. My mam takes them too and she didn't either.
I've been taking Simvastatin for almost 6 years with no problems.
I was put on them at the same time as the diabetes meds, so I'm not sure which ones caused what side effect. I'm fine now though.
Thanks guys, I have been taken off them as the specialist believes they are causing my nerve problems.
The G.P had tried that before but I got worse which made him believe that it was not the statins. I have spoken to my G.P and he still thinks its neuropathy and I tend to agree with him.
The neuropathy pain has gotten worse recently as well and I should be getting better if it is the statin. Anyway, thanks for listening.

Its not how hard we hit, its how hard we can get hit and keep moving forward.
Muscle pains and gastro-intestinal problems are the major side effects. Thr stomach/indigestion/nausea is supposed to be aliviated by being asleep, so simvastatin is normally taken at night. If you are having muscle pains your doctor needs to know, this could be a sign of muscle damage or wasting. I'm not sure if Simvastatin would help with neuropathy, it's really only used to treat high cholesterol.
There are a host of other statins for you to try if the side effects are a problem. Try asking about Atorvastatin or Pravastatin.
I was on the statins for cholesterol, I also suffer with neuropathy but the specialist has taken me off the statins to see if it is in fact just side effects to the statins rather than neuropathy.
I will say that I have been off them a week now and the neuropathy pains have gotten worse to the point where my G.P has raised my does of pregablin to his highest level.

Its not how hard we hit, its how hard we can get hit and keep moving forward.
I have been on Simvastatin 40gm for 5 years with no problems.
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