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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi everyone, I'm off to bed in a min but thought if I post this tonight then by tomorrow a few people may have had chance to read it.

Since my stroke was properly diagnosed a month ago I have been put on Atorvastatin 40mg a day. I have felt really lethargic, tired, bad neck pain, generally down hearted but put all this down to the effects of the stroke. At the back of my mind though I kept thinking "Ive gone downhill since the diagnosis, I wonder why" I just thought it was psychological.

The wednesday before last I thought I either had a chest infection or flu and went to bed at 8pm thinking that I'd need to ring docs next day. I didn't take the statin due to tiredness and also thinking I might be put on antibiotics and the only ones I can take interact with the statin.

On the Thursday I woke feeling like a different person so I just presumed it was a blip and went back to taking statin that night. On the Friday I ended up at the docs with a temp of 38.4 and aching muscles. A virus or infection was diagnosed and I was given antibiotics to start the next day if needed, so again I left the statin off. On the Saturday I wasn't sure what to do, sugar levels were high but temp was normal and no muscle pain. I decided to take the antibiotics as a precaution. Over the next 2 days my health improved dramatically, no neck pain, no recurrance of the temp, no muscle pain. I found I could go out, walk faster, had more interest and zest in life. I stopped taking the antibiotics and have been fine.

Now has anyone any experience of statins or had anything like this happen? I'm not taking the statin until I see my GP on Thurs as I'm just so much better. Am nervous that he will be angry but it seems to me that my symptoms were linked with the statin and not a virus or infection, any thoughts?
It's so difficult to isolate these things when we have so many other things going on or stuff to take! I experienced something similar when I was on simvastatin, which did stop when I stopped taking them, but it's hard to say whether it was just them or the combination of drugs I was on at the time.

What does the Patient Information leaflet say? Do any of the side-effects match how you have been feeling? If so (and I think what you describe are relatively common) then certainly you should ask your doctor if there is some alternative or way that you can pin down things on the statins. I tried by cutting down on the dose to see if there was less of an effect, but you may not be able to do this if you've only just started on them.

Hope you get some more (better!) answers! 🙂
For the past 3 nights I've been taking half of a simvastatin 20mg to see if my aches and pains subside. If they do, I'll go back up to full dose to see if they return and can then go to the docs to report.

Don't be afraid to tell your doctor. They can only advise you what to take based on the drug information. If you feel you have a side-effect, it's always better to go back to your doctor first, but since the effects seem to be apparently widespread and for me it's precautionary, I thought Id give it a go like you.

I hope you don't get a recurrence of your symptoms and can find an alternative that works for you.

I have been taking 40mg of simvastatin since diagnosis last October. I haven't found that is has affected me like some people on here and am quite happy to take it as i'd rather have my cholesterol in check as i did try to lower it with diet alone but that didn't work for me. My cholesterol was at a staggering 9.4 when diagnosed which really scared me so i'm happy taking it in with peace of mind that it is keeping it low
I would mention this to your gp Flutterby, it would appear these cholesterol lowering drugs can cause stiffness, muscle ache and lethargy in some people and not others, so it would be wise to bring this up with your doctor and they may change your prescription to a alternative drug. My mother takes Simvastatin since having a stroke, and often complains of headaches and tiredness, although my brother takes the same drug and tolerates them well, so one's persons experience of statins can be somewhat different to the next person, much like any other drug really, but as your health has improved when stopping the Atorvastatin it could be the possible cause of your ill's. Toby.
Thanks everyone for your replies. I agree it's difficult to isolate what is going on when an awful lot of things can be contributing. It's just that I've never had such a complete and speedy recovery from either a virus or infection! The leaflet that comes with the tablets mentions all the things I experienced but what worried me most was this bit "If you have muscle weakness, tenderness or pain and particularly,if at the same time you feel unwell or have a high temperature, stop taking and tell your doctor immediately" That really does sound like me! The thing is the doctor I saw last week just dismissed my concern with a long suffering smile and shake of her head so I accepted that she must know what she's talking about. At least I'm seeing my regular GP on Thursday so hopefully can talk to him better. I don't want to be awkward but sometimes you just have to go with your gut instinct.

By the way my cholesterol is 5.6
just wondering, if some people can't tolerate statins what is the alternative to lowering cholesterol?
Good question, Carina does anyone use those yoghurts and other products with plant sterols in? Have they helped? I just found plant sterol capsules online, anyone tried them?
One alternative I am trying is Niacin (vitamin B3), since I stopped taking Rosuvastatin because of lethargy, aches and pains. Since stopping the statins I have been able to work and take the dog for walks. The niacin has reduced my cholesterol by 1 click to 6.3 from 7.4. You will have to buy it yourself. It has a strange side effect - hot flushes (even for men!), starting with your scalp and progressing to arms and even legs. Even though I take a slow release version I still occasionally get a flush for 10 minutes or so (especially after eating peppery food). Of course you can also try the Benecol spreads as well.

GP surgeries get paid by the NHS for meeting targets and the percentage of patients with cholesterol below a certain level is one of the targets. (Hba1c is another).
Hi Vicsetter, thanks for your interesting reply. It seems as if there are alternatives and also sounds like stopping the statin made a big difference to you. I hardly went out the week before last but last week went out every day! Hope the niacin continues to work for you, will ask my dr about a natural alternative.
Flutterby: Aching muscles is a serious side effect of statins and the reasons some people can't tollerate them. It's called something like "Rhabdomyolysis" and frankly i've no idea what it means, but it's not good. If you feel this is happening stop taking the statins and tell your doctor. There's a host of other statins you can take which may react differently.

To answer somebody else's (Carina) question: Fibrates (such as Bezafibrate or Fenofibrate) Colestyramine and Ezetimbe are non-statin drugs used to lower cholesterol.
The stuff in yogurt (so i was told the last time i went to DiabetesUK meeting) works, but not a lot, so you have to eat a LOT of it if it's going to be as effective as a drug. If you maybe only have a little bit of extra cholesterol this might work.

Thanks Rachel, I have stopped them and although I had planned to try them again before seeing dr, I've now decided not to. Not worth it - especially as I had the temperature too. sometimes though I do wish I could just be a "normal" person and not get odd reactions to things! Just for a change!! Thanks.xx
These things can happen to anybody, don't worry about it, there's loads of other options. 🙂
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