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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just started taking Atorvastatin 20mg and wondered how others tolerate it. I raged against taking statins for a long time but my cholesterol levels has raised recently so decided I would give a try. I have felt really tired and not sure if it’s anything to do with the medication. A couple of days I felt a little nauseous but this has passed.
I don’t like taking medication unless absolutely necessary and there has been a lot of controversy about the use of statins. Doctors want all diabetics on statins rather than taking a case by case approach.
Totally agree with not taking meds unless you need to but I would take a statin if GP felt I was going to have a heart attack or stroke if I didn't, particularly after seeing my late Mom in Law who had a severe stroke.

I know a lot of people on statins. Most tolerate them well. One or two cannot. One of my friends had to come off them but her husband has taken them for years with no adverse effects.

Everyone is different with meds. It will be good when they have perfected this new idea of matching meds to individual DNA but the research at present is in its infancy.
I was fine with Statins, it did a great job on my cholestrol level. Unfortinately when I had my three month liver blood test it had elevated my liver enzymes. I was taken off the Statin avo something, Once my enzymes are normalised we will discuss what I should do next re my cholestrol. I have done lots of research myself NHS and Liver Society, but the choices are pretty slim, I just don't fancy endless blood tests to see which Statin will leave my enzymes alone! I guess I was unlucky.
Just started taking Atorvastatin 20mg and wondered how others tolerate it. I raged against taking statins for a long time but my cholesterol levels has raised recently so decided I would give a try. I have felt really tired and not sure if it’s anything to do with the medication. A couple of days I felt a little nauseous but this has passed.
I don’t like taking medication unless absolutely necessary and there has been a lot of controversy about the use of statins. Doctors want all diabetics on statins rather than taking a case by case approach.
I has on Atorvastatin 20mg for around six months with no issue. Like you I don't like taking any medication that isn't absolutely necessary, though having tried to learn as much as I could about cholesterol and the increased risk diabetics face with regard to cardiovascular problems I resolved to take whatever medications necessary to keep cholesterol under tight control for the rest of my life. Reducing the risk of stroke in particular is now something I view as well worth it, so long as no side effects are experienced.

I'm actually trying to get a second cholesterol medication prescribed on top of the statin - Ezetimibe. My doctor refused to switch me directly to a 10mg/10mg Atorvastatin and Ezetimibe combination tablet though has reduced my Atorvastatin dose to 10mg to evaluate whether adding Ezetimibe on top of that would not be overkill. Ezetimibe combined with a stain is very effective at controlling cholesterol and reducing risks but also has the possible secondary benefit of helping to prevent fat accumulation in the liver. As someone who has spent months losing weight to get the fat out of my liver and try to achieve normal blood glucose levels that added benefit is extremely appealing to me. A few months ago I was keen to reduce my medications as much as possible, though my perspective has changed to a point where I'm now happy to take whatever medications necessary to help prevent health problems in future, so long as I experience no side effects.
My GP did mention Ezitimbe rather than a Statin, but I believe it works better taken with a Statin.
A statin is not the only drug able to be prescribed used against serum cholesterol. Husband and I both take Ezetimibe BUT I suppose (cos neither of us has had any of them) it can have side effects being as it is a drug and so however common they normally do, and most likely contra indications too - it absolutely doesn't work as quick as statins do or as 'violently' hence why the virtually instant effect of statins is top of any GPs list when any patient's serum cholesterol is raised.

Despite the fact it has less of an instant effect I was heartened to read in the news somewhere during the last winter that for some cardiac/circulation condition 'they' had discovered that once they know you have that condition if they instantly prescribe ezetimibe AND a statin rather than the statin on its own and only considering adding the ezetimibe 'some time' later like when you've had another 999 for the same reason - you don't usually have another 999 for it.

I'd say it has more of an overall gentler moderating effect on cholesterol - rather than swiftly absolutely lowering it.

Edit - I did have side effects of statins BUT I also know very well that the vast majority of people don't, so never tell anyone not to take em. NB - not even my husband !
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Thank you. I am ok with a slower moving cholestrol lowering drug.
I r as a paper a couple of years ago that suggested statins tipped those already on the road to Type II diabetes because of lifestyle issues including being overweight/obese into Type II 6 - 9;months earlier if no lifestyle changes were made. Those on the road to Type II and/or heart disease need to make the lifestyle changes or nothing will stop the inevitable.
I couldn't hack Atorvastatin (chronic leg fatigue and feeling like I'd run out of petrol!) but I'm fine on Simvastatin. My partner couldn't hack Simervastatin but is fine on Atorvastatin. Just a question of finding out which is the right one for you.
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