Statins ? to take or not to take?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Having completed my New Deal CHO counting course, I had to get an HbA1c test to take along to the follow up meeting yesterday. This was a little disappointing as it had actually gone up a bit, but having said that, I have had fewer hypos and in general the results were more even. That said, when I got the blood test done, the GP?s nurse ticked all the boxes on the form and when I went to get my HbA1c result at reception, I was told to make an appointment to see the GP which I did.

When I saw him, he told me that my cholesterol was too high (4.6) and he wanted me to start on a statin to lower it. I asked if I could change my diet a little (in my case eat less cheese) but he said that as your body produces cholesterol that would not work. The upshot was that he prescribed Simvastatin which I picked up at the chemist. When I got home,I read all the possible side effects 😱 and because of them, have not taken any tablets yet. I am feeling a little annoyed that when I was talking to him, the GP did not mention possible side effects at all and I didn?t think to ask. To be fair, he did insist that I get another blood test in 2 weeks (which I gather from the info in the pack and bits I have now read both on other threads here and other places) is to do with liver function.

Having spent yesterday and today worrying about this (I can?t believe how stressed :( out I have been about taking one measly tablet a day), I found my last results from the consultant (September) and discovered that the cholesterol has not changed from when I saw her and she didn?t seem concerned! :confused:

I have now decided not to take the tablets and to cut out the cheese for the next couple of weeks, go for the blood test (which I assume is with the nurse who hopefully won?t ask if I have taken the tablets so I shouldn?t need to lie), and see what the results are.

Please excuse the rambling/whinging nature of this, but I now feel much better for having typed it up. Thanks for ?listening?.
I have been on statins for 10 years now, I started on Simvastatin and was on that for about 9 years, never had a problem with it. I then was switched to Atorvastatin but that didn't do much for my cholesterol levels and I am now on Rosuvastatin which has been great.. without the aid of statins my cholesterol just rises.

Hope you get a good result at the next blood test.
I learnt a bit about this cholestrol (spelling not good!!) last week. There are so many numbers flying around.

I had a fasting cholesterol done a couple of weeks ago. I asked for it. I am very overweight but I am not diabetes, 1 or 2. I have asthma but nothing else. I asked because my ultra, too skinny mother has a level of 6.9 and was told she needs to get it down pronto or statins here we come. They wanted her to take statins anyway but she said she would try diet first. She is a nightmare eater anyway and her BMI is under what it should be so she is eating practially nothing. I did a bit of research and apparently 80% of high cholesterol is herediary and 20% is due to diet, so as mum's was high I asked for a test.

I have been 5.9 before years ago and through oily fish got it down to 5.1 or something.

Anyway I rang for results and the doctor said everything was ok. He did not want to give me numbers but I insisted. I was 5.6 ! I had an appointment to see him anyway so when I did I said I thought the level was 4.0.

He said if someone is on statins then they are on statins to reduce the level down to 4.0 or under, that is their goal.

I said what about the target of 5.0 I had heard of. He said that is a target level for anyone with other problems ie diabetes, heart conditions etc.

He said because I didn't have any problems then he was happy with 5.6. He told me to eat oily fish and have olive oil.

I asked him the two numbers that make it up and the HDor C ?? is 3.9. That is the bad one and I thought it was supposed to be below 3.0. I didn't query this.

So all those on statins under 4.0
All those with diabetes under 5.0

Everyone else whatever you like .............

Anyone know any different. I do remember the message from someone who said that his was 9.? and he had done research and didn't believe a word of it etc etc (good reading by the way).
So what I meant to say was, after all that waffling was that MCH I wouldn't take the statins as you are under 5.0 that is according to the info my doc gave me. I don't know him that well so no idea if any good or not.
Hi I am overweight but have never had high cholestral. I was put on astorvastatin (lipitor) when I as diag with type 2. My doc explained that I wasnt takin them for my chol i was takin them because they protect the heart and because diabetics are more prone to heart desease, research has shown that statins help the heart.

I started on simvastatin a couple of months ago and touch wood I havent had any leg cramps like I was suffering with while being on Lipitor (which I dont take anymore)

Hope this helps,
I have been on Simvastatin for 6 years with no problems although alot of people have had adverse side affects, but that can apply to all medicines so I wouldn't worry too much about taking the statins.

To clarify things(I hope!) for those who don't know about HDL and LDL cholesterol see below's explaination.

Cholesterol is a fatty substance known as a lipid. It is mostly made by the liver from the fatty foods we eat and is vital for the normal functioning of the body.

Cholesterol cannot travel around the body on its own because it does not dissolve in water. Instead, it is carried in your blood by molecules called lipoproteins.

The two main lipoproteins are LDL and HDL.

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL). LDL is the main cholesterol transporter and carries cholesterol from your liver to the cells that need it.

Too much LDL cholesterol in the blood can cause cholesterol to build up in the artery walls, leading to disease of the arteries. This is why LDL is referred to as 'bad cholesterol'.

High-density lipoprotein (HDL). HDL carries cholesterol away from the cells and back to the liver, where it is either broken down or passed from the body as a waste product. Hence it is referred to as 'good cholesterol'.

Generally higher levels of HDL in the blood are better and lower levels of LDL in the blood are better.

If for example you have a total blood cholesterol of 6.5 and HDL is 4.0 and LDL is 2.5 then that would be ok (although you would probably want to reduce the overall total), if however the 6.5 total was split HDL 2.5 and LDL 4.0 then you would want to reduce the LDL levels.
Hope this is of help.
I stopped taking simvastatin a few months ago. I was told that I needed them as diabetics have a recommended level of below 4.0 and non-diabetics below 5.0 (contrary to what you were told Adrienne!). However, my cholesterol dropped to 2.4 and no-one seemed to be able to tell me if there was a recommended LOWER limit.

My reasons for stopping were that:

my cholesterol isn't high without them
there are potential side-effects from taking them
having very low cholesterol puts you at greater risk of stroke
taking them would have reduced my risk of arterial disease by a tiny statistical amount.

Doctors are not unanimous in their agreement that statins are necessary, and most of the research into their effectiveness is paid for by the pharmaceutical companies that produce them. There's a lot of literature around about the pros and cons, I'd suggest reading up so that you can, like me, make an informed decision.
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