Statins Question

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
My GP has just prescribed statins for me, as my Cholesterol is slightly raised, and he thinks this is best for me.

Picked the box of pills up today, and read in the leaflet that they can elevate blood sugar levels, and that diabetics should monitor their levels more carefully.

Now, I do have a glucometer, and do use it, but obviously I'm a bit concerned about this. Before I go back to my GP, has anyone any experience of this happening to them? Just looking for a bit of information from anyone who is using them. Thank you.
I personally found my low dose atorvastatin made no difference to blood glucose level, keeping to a low carb dietary regime should ameliorate the affect, if any.
I would love to know the mechanism by which it would happen.
What is you cholesterol that he feels it necessary to start the statins. There is always discussion here as to the pros and cons of statins and plenty of views, but I suggest you do your own research and make your own mind up.
Whilst agreeing with the caveat given by @Leadinglights above and having had other statin side effects myself - I have to say that I never noticed any such change in BG - but there again neither did I have any muscular problems from em or other side effects from other drugs. I reckon it's because we truly are all different!! That's no help I realise - but honestly - I don't think the incidence of this particular side effect is sufficiently massive to put me off. Or at least - it's not a side effect that has been very noticeable anecdotally on UK diabetes forums.
I've been on a high dose statin for years now & for most of that time my BG has been completely "normal,", so any BG impact from the statin will have been minimal.
I couldn't tolerate Atorvastatin (legs wouldn't work properly!) but am fine on Simverstatin. Neither has raised my BG to my knowledge. I resisted them for a couple of years but have found I am fine on them. If they don't agree with you, get your doctor to prescribe a different one. My partner couldn't manage with Simverstatin (aching legs) but is fine on Atorvastatin, so it really is just a question of finding one which works for you.
That's fine thank you - yes I have elevated cholesterol, and because of family history of not only cholesterol, but diabetes as well, I thought I should at least take them and see how I get on. the GP did say that there are lots of different ones, and these are not quite the lowest dose you can get..... I appreciate all your comments....... again thank you.
I personally found my low dose atorvastatin made no difference to blood glucose level, keeping to a low carb dietary regime should ameliorate the affect, if any.
I would love to know the mechanism by which it would happen.
What is you cholesterol that he feels it necessary to start the statins. There is always discussion here as to the pros and cons of statins and plenty of views, but I suggest you do your own research and make your own mind up.
GP said that it was not overly high, but given family history recommended them. I think he said 6 ish..... honestly can't remember and when I looked at my records online, there's only a mention of Hba1C figures......
Not noticed any effect on my BG on Atorvastatin and before that Simvastatin. Luckily not had any side effects from either, at least that I am aware of and could put down to the statins.
On my online record differnt blood results come under differnt headings.
I've found that statins do raise my BS by about 1 mmol. Do ask for a lipids breakdown at your next blood test as the Total number is pretty meaningless but GPs often don't know that.
I've found that statins do raise my BS by about 1 mmol. Do ask for a lipids breakdown at your next blood test as the Total number is pretty meaningless but GPs often don't know that.

I've never met one GP that didn't have the full breakdown, and talked about every number in the breakdown.
You must have been unlucky with your reviews.
All my online records have full breakdowns going back years as well.

Then again, it's reasonable to say the higher the overall number, it's a very good chance it pushed up by bad cholesterol, so it's a fair indicator something is going wrong.
That's fine thank you - yes I have elevated cholesterol, and because of family history of not only cholesterol, but diabetes as well, I thought I should at least take them and see how I get on. the GP did say that there are lots of different ones, and these are not quite the lowest dose you can get..... I appreciate all your comments....... again thank you.

I’ve fairly recently started on statins and have had no side effects at all. No changes in BG levels either.
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