Statins and Weight Gain

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Since being put on statins six weeks ago I have been gaining about a lb per week. My cholesterol has dropped from 4.1 to 3.4 but I feel none the better for it. It is as if the cholesterol in my blood is converting to fat around my middle! Has anyone else noticed this?
Since being put on statins six weeks ago I have been gaining about a lb per week. My cholesterol has dropped from 4.1 to 3.4 but I feel none the better for it. It is as if the cholesterol in my blood is converting to fat around my middle! Has anyone else noticed this?

I would have to agree with you Michael you do look like you've put a couple of punds on!

Sorry couldn't resist.

Don't know, but would be interesting to see what others think as I have no doubt one day I shall be popping said pill.


hmm doesn't sound good! You serious you got to stop all drink with it? Or just for the half hour it is absorbed?

Hope you're well Michael,

No was not talking about statins and alcohol! More worried that if statins make me gain weight I may have to fore go the calories in beer. Sob sob!
Why did the doc put you on statins? 4.1 sounds alright to me!
I can't say I noticed the weight gain with the statins, but anything is possible.Other things you might consider are your activity level, has it changed over the last few weeks? And what you are eating, are you eating any more? Just suggestions. If the weight gain is a problem it might pay to go back and see the doc for a chat with him/her.
Why did the doc put you on statins? 4.1 sounds alright to me!

There has been a drop in the circulation (comparing BP upper arm to ankle) in the leg that I fractured a few years ago. I am waiting to see a vascular surgeon. In the interim I have been started on statins as it is alleged these can reduce the furring inside arteries if this is the problem.

I cannot work out how to paste in two quotes! In fact my activity level is possibly slightly higher and my food intake slightly less! First time my BMI has passed 25.0!!!
I have never worked out how to paste in more than one quote either, so you're not alone.

Perhaps your body has got used to your new regime? I'm clutching at starws for you.
Oh I see!

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Slightly surprised there are not more responses as a good percentage of diabetics seem to be on statins. A care worker told me she has noticed that residents in the home had gained weight when put on statins so I suspect there is a problem...
If you google "statins weight gain" you will see that plenty of people put their weight gain down to the statins that they are on, all brands are mentioned.
I did gain a lot of weight while on Statins but am not sure if the Statins were responsible for that as I was also taking Actos. However I did have a lot of other problems and was told to stop taking them by my doctor. I tried 2 different types. I had raised liver enzymes and fatty liver disease also pain in my feet and legs, exhaustion and a kind of muddled head feeling. Anyway within 6 months of stopping them the liver problems had cleared up and all the pain and muddled feelings went.
Oh I see!

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Katie, just read your blog and really enjoyed it!
I have been on statins (Simvastatin) since June, and I have lost over 1.5 stone. Guess you can't generalise, as we are all different. No doubt if you took them and found yourself gaining weight inappropriately, you could stop taking them. I am led to believe that the advantages of taking statins far outweigh the disadvantages.

I have been on statins (Simvastatin) since June, and I have lost over 1.5 stone. Guess you can't generalise, as we are all different. No doubt if you took them and found yourself gaining weight inappropriately, you could stop taking them. I am led to believe that the advantages of taking statins far outweigh the disadvantages.


Like Brian I have been on Statins for a while (couple of years) and still managed to loose weight, so as he says, it may be a case of different strokes for different folks.
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