Starving hungry at 6 pm.

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Good evening,
Is feeling starving hungry in the early evening part of being prediabetic ? I'm not hungry in the morning or at lunchtime but suddenly feel ravenous at around 6 pm. My will power vanishes and I crave carbs.
It's now 8 pm and my BG is 6.8.
A very good evening to you too!

You are lucky, Specs, that you only feel hungry in the evenings. I constantly feel hungry even after eating a hearty meal. I am not sure if it is right way to feel. To make matters worse, my BG levels usually do not behave.
So, in short if I am not worrying about the readings, then I am definitely worrying about what to eat and what more can I eat?

Stay happy and healthy.
Good evening,
Is feeling starving hungry in the early evening part of being prediabetic ? I'm not hungry in the morning or at lunchtime but suddenly feel ravenous at around 6 pm. My will power vanishes and I crave carbs.
It's now 8 pm and my BG is 6.8.
What time do you eat your dinner, if the 6.8mmol/l is 2 hours after your dinner that is a good result. If you are hungry at 6pm than have some low carb foods you could have, cheese, boiled eggs, veg sticks with some dip.
the best way to find out if you are pre-diabetic is to go to your doctors and get a hba1c blood test rather than speculating. Hard definitive answer 🙂
Take it you mean you don't eat breakfast or lunch, if so no wonder your starving hungry on evening.

When wife was prediabetic she ate 3 meals daily & don't recall her being hungry on evenings.
6pm sounds like dinner time. Maybe that’s why you’re hungry
Hunger is a weird thing for me, and seems to come in phases with little logic.

High BGs make me hungry.

And low BGs make me hungry too.

Boredom definitely makes me hungry!

But often if I‘m wrapped up in what I’m doing I’ll realise I was peckish for lunch at 12, but it’s now 3.30pm and I’ve still not eaten.

The times I feel most consistently and uncomfortably hungry are when I am trying not to eat (eg basal checks)
Good evening,
Is feeling starving hungry in the early evening part of being prediabetic ? I'm not hungry in the morning or at lunchtime but suddenly feel ravenous at around 6 pm. My will power vanishes and I crave carbs.
It's now 8 pm and my BG is 6.8.

What's your daily eating routine?
I never wanted breakfast when it was carbs and skimmed milk- I thought about not eating breakfast once diagnosed, but when I tested my blood glucose, I found that it just kept on rising until I ate, so these days I have fish, or meat, or eggs and cheese and around 10 gm of carbs, and then I don't need to eat for 12 hours - then I eat more protein and fat and maybe 25 gm of carbs. There is no need to feel hungry when eating a low carb diet.
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